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VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion
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Andrew Souter wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:38 am Like most of you, I do not believe KVR to be the appropriate location to discuss these matters
Please speak only for yourself and do not try to manipulate people and make them believe that most KRV forum member express this position. This is a standard trick of manipulators.

I've spent more than a year trying to find a solution but nothing worked, so I had to make it here as a last resort. I could not stand the injustice anymore.


I sincerely ask people to withdraw from political discussions. This conflict traces back to 2017 and major event happened in december 2020. So it has nothing to do with current political situation. Anyone who tries to turn this discussion into a political fars is actually trying to ask admins deliverately to put a ban on in in order to stop this information from spreading out.
The only resemblense is that 2CAudio was a cooperation between Andrew (US) and me (RU) and the start of discussion just coincided with the political events. that's it. As many can attest this was a very fruitful (I would say *example for polititians to follow*) cooperation. But things started to fall apart in 2017 when Andrew started to manipulate me by holding my money for no reason. Then this trend accelerated and ended in a crash.


regarding mystran posts.

1. Mystran was indeed a contractor to Galbanum in 2015-2016
At that time Andrew and me had no legal agreement, so we paid to her from sales.
each party paid its own 50%. My part was deducted from my profit share in this joint venture.
I can provide all the documents to prove that

2CAUIO LLC was legally formed only in march 2020

2. Mystran is one of the topmost pro audio dsp/math engineer. I learned a lot from her code. She is like Guru in audio
I respect her for that

3. Mystran is a polite person and normally tries to help and gives useful advices, however:

4. She is very politically charged. in january I wrote to her and she was trying to accuse me of
the political situation. I told her that I bear responsibility only for my personal actions
and I have no interest in political discussions as of now this would only make things worse.

5. In june 2021 I asked Andrew to provide me with an agreement that he signed with Mystan
so we can discuss the 2CAudio assets split. He refused to do so. Since that I tried a few more times
but every time I got silence. I've paid my money to her (whereby helping her that time) so
I have a full right to receive such a document from Andrew.

6. In december 2021 Andrew refused to pay to me my profit share from November 2021 sales
so having a suspicion that Andrew could use my personal money to fund development of 2CAudio
products without my consent I contacted Mystran and described the situation to her.
If Andrew to use up my money I reasoned she would be the first person he could contact.
I wanted to let her know and said to withdraw from any such work with Andrew under 2CAudio
since this activity was not discussed with me. I asked her directly whether or not she
has now a contract with Andrew. She replied in a formal way saying that she would tell the truth
only to court. Since if she had no such contract now she would have no difficulty in saying 'no'
I have to suspect that she became a beneficiary of my money. This is contrary to what Mystran claims now.
I might be wrong of course.
As I cannot benefit from money I invested into her I asked her as a human to human if she could help me now in some form as I helped her in the past with my money.
She withdrew from further discussions and tried to politize the discussion making it meaningless to proceed.


Hey guys. I'm not a lawyer. I'm just a musician. Here's some music...

https://soundcloud.com/musicofplexus/pi ... ether-hall


Someone wanted a popcorn emote, I can't help there, but there is always this

Don't trust those with words of weakness, they are the most aggressive


mystran wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:32 pm
Ploki wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:35 pm Wait what? What has putin to do with this
I don't know, but both the timing and attitude is ... odd.

I've met Denis and Andrew in person once (before I started contracting) and that Denis back then was a nice, relaxed guy. The Denis (from the limited email exchanges I was dragged into) as of late seems a different character, one that's much more aggressive as if intentionally trying to pick a fight as if following the Putin approach of unreasonable demands.
Isn’t it a bit early to use russo-ukranian war as a metaphore?
(Also a bit dramatic)

except if y’all are from russia. I remember vaguely chatting with someone from 2ca years ago but cant find the mail and cant remember the name.

Also at this point i’m considering 2ca abandonware. Response from neither party is reassuring.


this is my answer to Mr. Andrew Souter, the man to claims to own all 2CAudio Intellectual Property
and who granted himself a privilege to arrest his business partner IP and money without having a resolution
of a court or any other party authorized to make such claims valid.

below I present my vision of the situation.
so having two views you, my dear user, you can now make your own independent *third-party* view about the dispute.

let's go guys:


some little personal info about me:

1. Since my early teenage years I had a deep interest in science and exploring how world works down to the tiniest level.
I studied math, chemestry, physics, astrophysics, electronics,
programming. At the age of 15 I coded an assembler compiler using Pascal language.
and I had a keen interest in music/sound as well.

2. Initially I wanted to pursue scientific career in high energy physics but early 1990 in Russia
were tough times, so I decided to go with coding instead, especially that this promised some good returns.

3. I graduated from Saint-Petersburg Electro-Technical University in 1999.
I have a Master Degree in Computer Science. In this university we had a lot of math/theory
about electronics which is essential to understand dsp/math necessary to do audio plug-ins.
My master thesis was about real-time sound synthesis using vectorized instructions on then-modern CPUs.

4. In 1997-1998 I coded a sound editor called ("Sound Producer"). it implemented a lot of various dsp
effects including FFT based filters. This way I was learning to code audio dsp effects.


In 1998 I started to work in outsource company that in turn worked for Finnish company F-Secure
There I studied how to code properly in a team. I was fortunate and became a friend of the company's director
since I was the only developer interested in knowing how the business works. He made a relaxed working
schedule for me which allowed me to spend a third of my working time doing my own stuff. I was interested
in doing real-time audio dsp effects as VST standard was then rising up. I spent quite some time in IRC chats
devoted to audio dsp. There I found Martin Fay (the author of VAZ) and Angus Hewlett (FXPansion). We communicated
a lot and exchanged ideas. Then Martin suggested to me that I make a Delay and he could resell it through his
site. I was not an expert in doing GUI so I needed a help and I asked (then) my university friend to join me.
At the same time I found a physicist/math-guy whom I tasked to code ER room reflection engine for me for money because
at that time I could not understand that math/complexity level. to my great surprise he did an excellent job and coded ER
engine from scratch and I became the owner of this code. I modified and extended the engine but the core math remained
the same. This code become the heart of SpinAudio RoomVerb, which then, again heavily extended/reworked by me become the ER
engine of SpaceVerb and then Aether. This ER engine is one of two components that make Aether sounding so wonderful.
Then we had a cool GUI/Web designer to join the team and SpinAudio was born. First we were selling through Martin for a few months
and then switched to share-it. I would encourage anyone who have never used SpinAudio products to search internet and see
that these were and how advanced they were at that time. Check out the GUI and how smooth everything was animated.
and that was 2001-2004 mostly. Andrew claims that he invented Precedence. Where did he take the idea from?
What specifically did he invest, may I ask?
Have a look at 3DPannerStudio. that is a plug-in I made in year 2001. yes, you read it right, year 2001!
https://fr.audiofanzine.com/plugin-trai ... er-Studio/
3DPannerStudio implemented inter-plugin communication system and placing instruments in a single window
already in year 2001!!! and the GUI was even cleaner than Precedence's. I was the first to invent this idea
17 years prior to Precedence. Yes the audio dsp engine is different. 3DPS is based on 3D HRTFs while Precedence is purely algorithmic.
But to anyone it's evident that this conceptual idea was invented by me.
What is really unique that Andrew invented is the Precedence panning alg and Precedence <-> Breeze dsp linking. I do not dispute that.
Funny thing about Precedence is that Andrew would never ever make it unless I pushed him. He wanted to spend ages on making
his monstrous Kaleidoscope 2 (that already ate 2 years of our hard work instead of doing updates of Aether/B2) but I
asked him to come with something really cool but simple to do plug-in. so he made Precedence alg. Note btw that Precedence power is
in multi-instance editing and linking to Breeze. making that really work flawless took me 1 YEAR of hard work and debug while he spent only a few months
on Precedence DSP alg. So I reject his claims that Precedence is 100% his invention. Fairytale.

Unfortunately SpinAudio ceased to exist in 2005-2006 due to hostile (even criminal) actions of my former business partner to me. That man had serious problems with one of his kidney that resulted in misfunction of his adrenal system and hostile/psychotic behaviour.
I tried to do my best to save the company. But that man was constantly threatening me, so I had to stop any activity regarding SpinAudio
in order to avoid bad things. All that I've been working on for years had gone and I was so frightened that I did not even dare to
use SpinAudio GUI/DSP sdk to make new plug-ins. I had to do everything from scratch, except reverb's ER engine and some copy protection
code that we used in 2CAudio.

I still feel obliged to all SpinAudio customers. If I remain in Audio Plug-In industry I would try
to revive SpinAudio plug-ins.

In may 2005 facing a situation of diminishing revenue from SpinAudio I started to explore the idea of making a reverb plug-in
that would rival hardware units like Lex, TC, etc, as I felt that the market is missing such a thing. At that time I already
had RoomVerb M2 which had that powerful ER engine, but it's late reflection engine was not good. I had TC PowerCore DSP card with
TC reverb in it and I had a bunch of impulses from hardware units. And I started to meticulously analyze and listen to these
reverbs and understand what makes them sound good and what could be improved. I started to study the modern reverb algs and experiment.
Afters months of work I had some insights how I can modify ER engine and make a new LR engine. So SpaceVerb was born.

to be continued...


Andrew Souter wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:38 am I am also the one who spent thousands of hours participating in the forums to help everyone get the most out of them and get feedback to improvement them with regard to features etc. Check the post history if you like - compare who participated, who did not.
very compelling argument to claim ownership of other people property. simply spend more time in forums than the guy who actually spends his time DOING ACTUAL DEVELOPMENT instead of chatting in forums and voila, ce fait, you become the owner of his work! Everybody will now follow this!


and exceptional excuse to arrest other people money!


That is a very intereting chunk of background info/ history Denis, thanks for that! Yes, the war seems to have absolutely nothing to do with your conflict at all. It merely appears to be unfortunate timing.
(But I totally understand if it may be quite difficult for Mystran to completely leave it out of this, since for him the threat that your country means is very real and grave.)

But going by what both you and Andrew wrote here I think you have a very real chance to solve this conflict amicably. You are both highly talented and nice fellows and the sum of your combined work seems to be more that its parts. Please both of you keep that in mind!
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


And from what I have read Kaleidoscope may indeed be the culprit here.
It might have been better if Andrew would have released that as a side-project with another company and another partner.
As a 2CA customer it frustrates me to no small amount that so much development time seems to have gone into it while I am waiting for a B2 update.
Personally have ZERO interest in it and never will and I do not see what it has to do with alll the other 2CA products. It is a very specific tool for a very specific audience, quite unlike the other products.
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.




Here's hoping that Andrew and Denis can work this out. Doing it in public on KVR is not the best way to do this - is it?
Let's just hope that some "quiet time" means that they're talking to each other offline.
We will all benefit if this gets resolved.
John Braner
and all the major streaming/download sites.


2ca wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 6:36 am 4. She is very politically charged. in january I wrote to her and she was trying to accuse me of
the political situation. I told her that I bear responsibility only for my personal actions
and I have no interest in political discussions as of now this would only make things worse.
For all my life, I have made a principle of staying out of politics at all cost (since I would rather just observe it), but there is one exceptions: I will unconditionally, at any cost, do whatever it takes to defend human rights.

I was absolute not trying to accuse you of the geopolitical situation. That would be silly. I might be crazy, but I am not a fool. I was trying to wake you up, to make you realize that you should protect yourself, no wage personal wars, but I'm not a fool and I figured you wouldn't listen to reason.


i cba to read the whole thing does anyone have a short summary of whats going on? just a dispute over money? both claiming the other person took from them?

im a huge fan of 2c audio's software, its a shame to see this feud, hope they figure things out and both parties are paid fairly


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