The Yamaha EZ-EG Guitar Midi Controller Thread

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Thank you, I'll check if I can solve the string problem in this way, and thank you for the plug-in, I'll try it out


Thnak you RunBeerRun, I've solved the false triggering between E and G strings by putting a slice of foam rubber around the g string. For the note off problem, I've looked in the midi file generated by playing the guitar in cubase and I've seen that even if the guitar doesn't send a note off the switch off sysex for the key is always sent. Someone knows if maybe it's possible to ocnvert a sysex in a note off message?


There was a cheap payware for the ez guitars ez suite, it solved everything, I have it, use it rarely as I like the challenge of Synthedit.

I don't know any real way to modify sysex. There's a standalone using sysex at, if you haven't tried that, needs a midi loopback.
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Yes, I've read it in the thread that there was this tool, but as I can remember is not available anymore right? In SynthEdit is possible to make the same things done by that tool?


The ez suite isn't available now, maybe the app is. I don't think you can do enough w/sysex in Synthedit, it's read or write only I think. Probably can do it in Synthmaker, but not so easy.
The only site for experimental amp sim freeware & MIDI FX: -Youtube jams


Alright! So I'm the proud new owner of a Yamaha EZ-EG. After using the DG-20 to control my various synths for the past few years (Little Phatty, Eurorack Modular), I decided that I needed something with a few more features. Namely, pitch bend and velocity. The Yamaha seemed like a no-brainer considering the cost and features.

Unfortunately, it seems that I did not do all of my homework as I now find myself stuck with the 6 individual MIDI channels that are output (rather than just 1). I've discovered that I can only trigger notes on these synths (by direct MIDI DIN) via the frets of the highest "string" (E).

Has anyone figured out a solution for this when using standalone synths rather than PC-based VSTi's? Obviously, the TenCrazy script won't work as I'm looking to do this sans-computer.

Help? Anyone?


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Have an Ez-Eg for sale if anyone is interested. ... 1423.l2649 (


Hi everybody, anybody selling his EZ-AG or EZ-EG? And willing to ship to France ;)


thysm00 wrote:Hi everybody, anybody selling his EZ-AG or EZ-EG? And willing to ship to France ;)
I have an EZ-AG which I don't use anymore. I also have the software EZ-Suite which makes playing as a controller easier. I'll have to check with Marc who wrote it whether it is transferable. Give me a pm.


Ok, i just got my EZ-AG and was incredibly happy with the result when using the internal sounds. The problem is that it is not at all why i bought it...

Maybe somebody wil be able to help me out.

First i'm on mac, but i can have access to a PC (even if i would prefer staying on my mac).

So my problems are:

- the midi data is not coherent... at least the midi channels that are sent...

-> press a fret with the left hand: it creates on note on with the midi note and the right midi channel, until here everything is fine
example: play first freton the low E string

-> play the corresponding string (E string)
you get a note off for that string and the right channel to release the note you pressed, again everything is fine
but then it creates a note on that does not have the same channel as the previous note on from that string.

Now i read that the sysex are much more useful since it gives the string and the fret number plus the velocity which is exactly what i want and need, with a little scripting in MachFive i could recreate everything and have it working perfectly.

But i can't seem to be able to find how to convert the sysex to midi notes in utilities like midi pipe.

I have tried the EZ utilities suggested on this page:

But i get an error when opening it in windows XP (script error)...

Does anyone has an idea n how to filter all midi, decode the sysex on the fly and send midi to a host?


I have no idea about the above post....

But I finally fixed my strings triggering other strings, a common problem with these. When I opened it, I could press my finger down over that black bar the strings go through and it'd silence all crosstalk, so I just duct taped that thing down.
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I love my EZ-AG so much I have worn one of the strings out and it has snapped straight through, if I flick the end closest to the bottom of the guitar it works,

does anyone know how to repair or replace a string

Please Help :help:



does anyone have a copy of the "ez suite"?
(is the original author still around?)

the app is wonderful (ty, author) & really extends the usefulness of the EZ-EG for MIDI recording,(I was even able to modify the scripts for further functionality) but sadly it crashes too frequently on my system to be usable. (W7 x64)
This problem got even worse when I 'upgraded' my 2x2 MIDISPORT to a Midex 8. Now, it only 1/2 works when I have Cubase running (frets recognised but not the strings) & hangs after a few minutes usually with a stuck note freeze.

so yep, if anyone has any suggestions or info on an alternative, I would appreciate it.

cheers :)


It was payware, so you'll have to ask the author.
The only site for experimental amp sim freeware & MIDI FX: -Youtube jams


I would also like to try the ez suite. Do you know where I can buy it? Or how I can get a hold of the author?

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