Shows us Theory Newbies how to implement chords.

Chords, scales, harmony, melody, etc.
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I'm working on a small orchestral piece, using what i've learend in theory so far. It really won't be much, and i'm going to take my time and put it together carefully (phrase by phrase on my Korg TR), and hopefully it will sound good. I created a small "motif" that sounds excellent, and I seem to be able to play off of it well. It is in C#Minor. I find that I am using chords, but i'm breaking the rules a little...well, I don't think i'm breaking the rules so much as i'm warping them here. :Lol: I think one chord is has an augmented 3rd and a major 5th. I don't even think that goes out of theory, as i'm sure it is a chord..i'm just not sure which to name it. I'm too tired right now. :lol: As I progress with it though i'll probably ask a lot of advice on it. I'm getting my hands dirty here, and I decided the best way to remember all this stuff is to apply it. Maybe when I get some more done then i'll try and transcribe some of it to give you an idea of what it is (and to practice my theory too of course).
"You are going to let the fear of poverty govern your life and your reward will be that you will eat, but you will not live."


An augmented major third is a fourth. What you have is known as a suspended chord. Usually notated as sus or sus4.
Now with improved MIDI jitter!

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