(the product formerly known as) Epoch

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Heheheh - well the most Epoch-Al secret society ever... ;-)

Question: several pages ago you mentioned showing the actual sequencer. Would that be possible in the meantime? I'd be curious about that.

Another question: I love using fractal noises for midi generation in processing. Is that something that would be available in Epoch / Lua?
I find them much more musical than real Randomness and they are repeatable...

Sorry if I missed something.


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
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there's going to be a linux version for this as per your usual modus operandi, correct?


several pages ago you mentioned showing the actual sequencer. Would that be possible in the meantime? I'd be curious about that.
I'm holding back on showing that at this moment because, well, it still has some placeholder art still: doesn't make for great screenshots, I'm afraid!
Another question: I love using fractal noises for midi generation in processing. Is that something that would be available in Epoch / Lua?
Oh yes, I imagine building a fractal noise script in Lua would be trivial. I'll see if I can get one built into the script library for launch, but if not, remind me afterwards and I'll see what I can do.
there's going to be a linux version for this as per your usual modus operandi, correct?
Yes, Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows. At release, there will be Audio Unit, VST, RTAS, and standalone apps (all 32-bit/64-bit where needed), and LV2 and AAX following - for Epoch, and all the other Loomer plug-ins - sometime after Epoch 1 and before Aspect 2.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


I downloaded some LUA-Perlin scripts already - looks easy enough if the performance works out.
For Audio I tend to use much larger tables though - I think my Usine-Addon has 20,000 - that may be a bit excessive here ;-)
So: Will there be a way to create plugins in C/C++ for Epoch ;-)

Just kidding.

All the best for the final stretch!


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
ScreenDream | Instagram | YouTube


This thread reminds me a little of Bitwig and Cats, but with more time and less informations.
Do you plan to go to Musikmesse like Bitwig to Namm with a video or make a presentation like the new Sony Playstation 4 without any picture?


A nice Tangerine Dream cover.
The narrator says, he has Numerology file available for download for this project, he also say, "Numerology is the best MIDI sequencer ever made"...Really? :D

Epoch is coming! Numerology, stand back ! :D

http://www.synthtv.com/2013/02/21/love- ... erds-only/


Hi just to confirm, without reading 15 pages, this is going to have crossovers right? So i can turn any effect into a multiband? That's probably the single most valuable feature i can think of. WOW.. that would be exciting, it's possible to do it on windows with other stuff but not really in logic on mac at present.

Any projected price? I am guessing (hoping) around 100 bucks. Although if it really works well and stable, it really is worth more than that :)

And i like how loomer don't do sales, the products hold their value :)


Hi Colin,
going back to earlier comments about CV signals being sent {especially with respect to compatible audio interfaces controlling real analogue gear}, and "steppiness" V "smoothness". Without going back to the posts I think you mentioned you'd use a filter to smooth the CV signals out ?

Anyway, just some food for thought but Andy from Cytomic {The Glue and The Drop} seems to have found a really nice smoothing algorithm that I've been meaning to mention to you. Without being an expert on the ins & outs of DSP, I'm not sure if this kind of algo might be useful to you for the purposes of Epoc control signals ?
Might be worth giving him a shout if it is, he's on public record helping other Devs out for their projects...

At any rate keep up the good work, looking forward to Epoch though I'm very patient for the sake of "getting things right" so take your time ;)
Andy_Cytomic wrote:It's not just the filter emulation in The Drop that I spent lots of time and effort on getting right. One of the coolest non-analog modelling bits of DSP I came up with is the smoothing algorithm. This turns stepped midi cc automation from even the most wobbly hands and smooths it in very musical and cool way that leaves the expression but removes the bumps. Here is the spectrogram of the a sine wave oscillator being controlled by 128 steps of a midi controller, you can clearly see and hear the clicks in the top plot that are removed from the bottom plot

http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic ... start=1095
{talks about it half way down the page}


TheoM wrote:this is going to have crossovers right?
That's the plan! Full disclosure: I'm not 100% sure if this'll make it to the table before Epoch v1. I'd certainly hope so*, (and just to be clear: basic linear plug-in hosting is definitely in for v1) but I'm sure (most) people would rather see more specialist features bumped if it means getting their hands on Epoch earlier. How's this then, Theo (and anyone else who'll hold off buying until this is done): if I don't get the full modular plug-in routing that you'd need for crossover-ing finished for v1, I will honour you the beta discount. If you decide to buy when this feature is implemented, even if this is after the end of the beta discount period, you can have it at beta pricing.
Any projected price? I am guessing (hoping) around 100 bucks.
The pricing is (honestly!) still undecided, but I'd say your figure is pretty much on-the-nose of what I anticipate for the beta price.
..."steppiness" V "smoothness"...
Thanks for the tip, ChiTown24. I think my CV-audio algorithms are actually OK, but it's certainly good to have a second option if they don't cut it in the final judgement.

* The actual plug-in hosting - ie: the hard part, is done, running solid and stably on Mac OS X, Windows, and even Linux. How best to seamlessly integrate it with the sequencing part of Epoch is what I'm still considering.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Colin, my dream sequencer as far as hands on interface:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... 8Zg#t=217s


Just wanted to say thanks to Colin for that kind offer and of course I accept. It is devs like you I love and why i was very happy to become a loomerite this evening. Between string and sequent was a difficult choice, but i went for string (and manifold) as i feel at least i have kind of resound alternatives with effectrix already, but had no string synth at all..

the point is.. i think sequent will be CRAZY to get and use through Epoch.. so that's when it will happen.. and i expect obviously the Loomer plugins will be hosted in Epoch with 110% stability :) Imagine doing different effects per band like that, combined.. That would really be the ultimate FSU..uh oh.. just got an exciting idea.. 5 bands with turnado dictator slider doing different things per band :love: WOWEEEEE

Re crossovers..all kidding aside.. even ddmf's shitty metaplugin has those.. you don't want this guy to have something that you don't do you? Hey i *think* his crossover is in vst format with standard in and 6 outs so it's possible that would work with epoch, and solve the problem temporarily.. it's not his crossover that's broken on mac, that works, it's the whole metaplugin shell.. i'd pay $39 for just his crossover.. hmmm.. downloading meta plugin demo now to see if crossover is vst.. i HAVE to know! :lol: Cause if yes, it means i can be excited from NOW.

Everyone else, how IMPORTANT do you rate a crossover in Epoch to be part of the initial final release? I am curious on potential customer input on this one.


Epoch will be so awesome in other regards so I personally don't need crossovers at version 1.0. But if it feels to Colin to be a major selling point it might be a good idea to hold off until it's done. Though it doesn't prevent going into public beta before. ;-)
Last edited by jensa on Fri Mar 01, 2013 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.


fair enough.. :)


Not much of a topic for me. I'd rather see Epoch coming out sooner instead.
There's always a 1.1 and selling points are just as valid and needed for that ;-)


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
ScreenDream | Instagram | YouTube


well the whole major thing for me for a sub host is to be able to do multiband everything

but of course arps and step sequencers which will be so difficult in logic, is good enough to warrant a purchase as well as all the modular goodness.

Anyway, it's coming at some point, so that's fine. If Epoch can handle any number of I/O in a vst, there is no reason why someone else couldn't make a compatible crossover anyway.

Plus an AU hosting vst is pretty cool.

I guess.. the 64 bit version will only be able to host 64 bit stuff and with 32 vice versa?


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