Zebralette 3 Bug Reports

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Yesterday, upon putting Zebralette 3 on a track in Live 11.3.21 (Windows 10, Ryzen 3700x, Sapphire Radeon rx 9 590), it crashed. I tried again, and it didn't crash, and I was able to use it several different times. It has crashed two times in a row, on trying to put it on a track just now. Weird.
Doing nothing is only fun when you have something you are supposed to do.


Init a new preset.
Select curve spectrum
Bring down spectral content to just 1 sine (fundamental)
Unison = 1, Resolution 800Hz, leave everything else default.

Now when I play a key, (I picked C4) and repeatedly play this, I noticed each time the frequency is wandering around a bit. To confirm, I used a piano tuner and measured a -8 to +8 cent deviation though most of the key strikes were more within the -3 to +3cent deviation.

I know this is super nit-picky and most will probably not hear this but I am not sure if this is intended or a bug.


jooster wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:23 pm Init a new preset.
Select curve spectrum
Bring down spectral content to just 1 sine (fundamental)
Unison = 1, Resolution 800Hz, leave everything else default.

Now when I play a key, (I picked C4) and repeatedly play this, I noticed each time the frequency is wandering around a bit. To confirm, I used a piano tuner and measured a -8 to +8 cent deviation though most of the key strikes were more within the -3 to +3cent deviation.

I know this is super nit-picky and most will probably not hear this but I am not sure if this is intended or a bug.
Drift? Try de-selecting it.


jooster wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:23 pm I know this is super nit-picky and most will probably not hear this but I am not sure if this is intended or a bug.
It's not a bug, it's a feature. :)
Deactivate Drift if you don't want that.
That QA guy from planet u-he.


viraven8 wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:49 pm Am I doing something wrong? This can't be right.

Opened up Zebra3, set the init Saw with Phase reset + Additive engine.

Opening any wave viewer (I use FL's wavecandy), you can see that there is moving inharmonic phase rotation. In otherwords, the phase of the sines are moving slightly out of tune. This doesn't impact the timbre, but it impacts the polarity of the wave can thus can cause problems with mixing.

Attachments shown have the same timbre but the waveforms are changing over time.

No other additive synth does this
This isn't a bug :)

The Additive Renderer reproduces the magnitude spectrum of the waveform, but it has a loose phase relation. When randomising the phase of a sawtooth, an oscilloscope shows a fuzzy, almost random-like waveform, and the sound becomes a little diffuse, almost like drenched in reverb. Even when not randomising phase, the harmonics will drift over time.

Also check out what I wrote elsewhere:
Urs wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 2:01 am As for the additive renderer and because it just came up in our internal beta team:

Here's why the free running sine oscillators drift against each other:

The slight movement is due to the oscillators being free running. In order to get hundreds going we have to resort to a few mathematical shortcuts. Those sacrifice numerical precision for speed of computation. And thus, the oscillators drift against each other, and after a few seconds they slightly run out of phase until they're completely "wherever"...


Chris-S wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:51 am Didn't find a thread for enhancement requests, so here we go:
You can post feature requests either in the main announcement thread (the first post mentions that that is the place to post those) or in the threads that discuss certain features. Please don't post feature requests in the bug report thread. I'll move your post to the announcements thread, hope that's ok. :)
That QA guy from planet u-he.


Ronny Pries wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 3:39 pm
2. On 'Paths'-screen:
- Unexpected: Automatic folder defaults to VST32 path set via registry
- Expected: CLAP folder(?)
We checked the installer again.
It seems to be working correctly.
If no u-he plugin exists, the installer suggests the user documents section as the default option for the .data folder.

If a previously installed u-he plugin was installing the .data folder to the VST32 folder, by choice or by accident, then the installer will use this path as the suggestion automatically. Could this be what happened?
That QA guy from planet u-he.


Funkybot's Evil Twin wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 4:52 pm I can get stuck notes in Reaper (Windows) using CLAPi (haven't tried other formats yet).
We can reproduce the stuck notes over here.
They don't happen with all presets, but with some it's always reproducible.
Added to the known issues list. Thanks for finding that. :tu:
That QA guy from planet u-he.


Using the curve copy function crashes reaper 7.11 OSX 14.1.2 Audio Unit version

0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x18ce50dc4 _platform_strlen + 4
1 Zebralette3 0x2cca714a4 0x2cc560000 + 5313700
2 Zebralette3 0x2cc5868f4 0x2cc560000 + 157940
3 Zebralette3 0x2cc5877bc 0x2cc560000 + 161724
4 AppKit 0x190dec318 __68-[NSPasteboard _setOwner:forTypes:atIndex:selector:usesPboardTypes:]_block_invoke + 320
5 CoreFoundation 0x18cfc8eb0 -[_CFPasteboardEntry resolveLocalPromisedData] + 96
6 CoreFoundation 0x18cfcb050 ___CFPasteboardHandleFulfillMessage_block_invoke_2 + 80
7 CoreFoundation 0x18cf01894 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 28
8 CoreFoundation 0x18cf017a8 __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 356
9 CoreFoundation 0x18cf00604 __CFRunLoopRun + 848
10 CoreFoundation 0x18ceffc5c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608
11 HIToolbox 0x19747c448 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
12 HIToolbox 0x19747c284 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 648
13 HIToolbox 0x19747bfdc _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 76
14 AppKit 0x1906dac54 _DPSNextEvent + 660
15 AppKit 0x190eb0ebc -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 716
16 AppKit 0x1906ce100 -[NSApplication run] + 476
17 AppKit 0x1906a53cc NSApplicationMain + 880
18 dyld 0x18caa90e0 start + 2360

Also with Logic 10.8.1


just a small thing:

I tried to set pressure/aftertouch as mod source. But when I press my keys (sending channel aftertouch) it does not work.
Does zebralette differentiate between channel aftertouch and (poly) key aftertouch?


Here is, I presume a bug, with detuned saw sound - this doesnt sound normal to me:


This is probably not that helpful, but I experienced a crash when opening the GUI in Reaper, Window 10, VST3.

I had 5 tracks running, all with ZL3, all GUIs were closed, then right-clicked on the track FX button, selected ZL3, the synth window opened but no graphics were displayed, then Reaper quit.

I was sure I had Reaper set to create crash dumps, but it didn't generate one, hmmm <goes off to find out how to turn them back on again...>


I'm using Presonus Studio One on Windows 11, and when I try to add Zebralette 3 to a track, it appears in the track but there's no instrument UI. Also, any additional instruments I add to subsequent tracks don't have a UI. When I play my midi keyboard Zebralette 3 does play a saw so I know it's there, but I can't see the instrument UI to do anything with it.
Last edited by edgarallenpoet on Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total.


Bugs I've encountered:

Announcement post
- Where it says "For a complete list... check the bug report thread", it links to the announcement thread, not this thread.

install.sh (on NixOS)
- The "Zebraletta/dialog" script needs its shebang line to read "#!/usr/bin/env bash". (install.sh itself got this right.)
- But dialog.64 doesn't run. On NixOS, this is not such a surprise. install.sh even tries to run "ldd" to tell you what libraries might be missing, but it does the "ldd" on the script, not the binary. But never mind, there's the "--quiet" option to get around all of this. But...
- install.sh still verifies that $DIALOG runs even if $QUIET is on; it shouldn't do that. (It probably also shouldn't do that if $INTERACTIF is off.)
- When it's deciding how to show you license.txt, I'm not sure it has the right test for $INTERACTIF.

Once I'd hacked on install.sh enough for it to install, I was able to run it under Reaper 7.11 / X11 (Xorg) / DWM.

The plugin itself.
- Popup menus don't work at all. The controls in the main window can be changed with the mouse scroll wheel, but the items in the "Settings" pane cannot, so I'm stuck at 100% UI size. And of course, the scroll wheel doesn't help for right-clicks, the "u-he" logo, etc. I see this in the terminal when clicking on the u-he logo:
ERROR(AM_Locale): String 'u-he on Mastodon' is not in string table of locale 'en'.
MouseUp Without Tracking
I see this when opening the plugin window, dunno if it's relevant to the popup menus:
Failed to set the xembed property property: BadAtom
x11 parent window: 41304592, x11 window: 41943040
SHM does have shared pixmaps. Using xcb_copy_area().

Other than that, it seems to work fine, although I haven't done much more than scroll through the presets (some of which are a little much for my poor old CPU!).

Hope this helps...


fdco wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:33 pm Using the curve copy function crashes reaper 7.11 OSX 14.1.2 Audio Unit version
yes, i already reported it here
also the copy command in MSEG

crash reports saved...

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