Lyrics Collaboration - Lyrics Needing Songs

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is this even a lyric???!?!?! :)


For I have overcome thee, devil.
O' ancient myth, you are nothing, but a fraud.
Anyone can be you.
Most people probably have been you in some part of their life.
God forgive me, for I enjoy the thought
That for an infinte time
The devil will curse the beauty of the stars,
and curse himself for not being above God.

Thank you God, mysterious Lord.
for hearing my prayers
For having shown me the truth
forgiven me, and taken me in
and blessed me with the inner divine peace.
For you are truly the greatest.
And I am a great fan.

Keep seeing me through
Protect me from all evil, even when the evil is in me.
Help me think clearly when dealing with sleepers,
and those I'd rather see removed from this world.

Take a stand
Stand Your Ground
Your ground is your belief.
Your belief is your reality.


Overcome Part Deux!

We shall overcome our demons
those of doubt, lies and confusion.
We will get our world back
from those who backstabbed us
Those who left us to rot in our own mindprison.
Those who underestimated our strenght,
Those who will burn in hell, for infinity.
Those who will go down, right now.
For we have broken out.
We have already won.


And summing it up with some lighter material...
This one is called:

Zeb At The Airport

All these people running by
watching them fly
to their destination
their location
where they meet
and discuss policy
about something, I don't know about.

watching them run
as they come home
from their meeting
one forgot his suitcase
or maybe it had papers
important papers with numbers
delivered at the meeting

but look there is a girl
talking in a cellphone
but she's crying
maybe she just broke up
with her boyfriend
she sees me, I must have looked
worried, coz she smiles.

I reach in my pocket, to get a cigarette
but remembering that I quit
what a strange habit
smoking cigarettes
I go to the cafe
and get me a latte instead.


maybe someone can help me with lyrics to this song,

this is what I've come up with so far

behind the viels of the passing clouds
we find the moonlight
as we search the neon streets
travel towards the midnight hour

between the worlds we wander
between the worlds we roam
between the hours of night and day
searching for a home

I found a song in a locket
I found a friend on the phone
I found a reason to be here
I found a reason to go

chorus (first part anyway):
its such a beautiful sound
it travels all around
thru your heart into your mind then higher


Last edited by Kriminal on Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.


a lyric about this months theme

He said

Don't romanticize
It really isn't wise
open up your eyes
this is no paradise

stop dancing man
must I say it again
candlelight blinds
look around / find

BLOOD rushing
BLOOD gushing
BLOOD flooding
Bleeding World

So sad

Don't counterfeit
Stop faking it
Happiness died
vanished into the night

Stop radiating joy
The dazzling stars
All dimmed into the black
we have gone to far

BLOOD Spilling
BLOOD Killing
BLOOD Chilling
Bleeding World

all I replied
romance hasn't died
it's our only salvation
for the healing of the nation
the only chance
is romance


Last edited by Kriminal on Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Are these lyrics up for grabs? You wouldnt mind if I ripped a few lines for my new song wouldya?


Opia, read the first message in this thread ;)
CrimsonWarlock aka TechnoGremlin, Moved to Reason and Rack Extensions exclusively (from Reaper and VSTs) several years ago.

Ragnarök VST-synthesizer co-creator with Full Bucket


:D cool beans


Last edited by Kriminal on Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Last edited by Kriminal on Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.



Last night I saw a rainbow in a black October sky
kids used it as a chute to slide down in the open field
where all the fallen stars lied and all the brave man died
and none yielded to money greed and all fell down on there knees
To give praise to the big unknown that makes us breath our silent breath
To enter that dimension beyond life and beyond death.

And the silver rain reigned
in glimmerland

Last dream i dreamed a roundabout in a golden playground
Grown ups were so delighted to be child again
They burned down there cars and down the track they pound
They burned down there factorys and now they understand
give praise to the big unknown that makes us breath our silent breath
Enter that dimension beyond life and beyond death.

And the silver rain reigned
in glimmerland

so reassuring to be carefree, so civilized to be dumb
so luscious to be happy, so smart to be numb
so free to forget your name and where your coming from

This day i had fight with my boss about the green
Untill i realised all the visions i had seen
I gave the middle finger and i walked into the sky
forgot about all questions and all the answers why
we live the life we live and breath our silent breath
I entered that dimension beyond life and beyond death.

And the silver rain reigned
in a purple haze sky in this sweet glimmerland


He is a free-range pig
out on a gig
rocking out loud
with his ugly snout
growling rock and roll
his bestial noise
sniffing and snorting
at the other pig boys

music isn`t shit without the spittle in the fiddle
music isn`t shit without swet on the drums
music isn`t shit without the sweet smell of weed
and the party isn`t over untill the fat lady cums

He`s a free-range pig
strumming on the strings
drinking gallons of beer
to keep his throat clear
smoking some kill
expressing free will
sniffing and snorting
in rock and roll ville

music isn`t shit untill the fingers bleed of trying
music isn`t shit if it doesn`t speak of hurt
music isn`t shit if the singing isn`t crying
with your head inside your dreams and your feet inside the dirt


Last edited by Emerald Tablet on Sat Feb 07, 2004 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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