crusherX-Live! Tutorial again on KVR!

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Step: 030-vapor-modulations8

Skill: medium

Topic: bouncing-ball effect

Sample-File: download from

overview: we will describe the pause-window and explore a bouncing-ball effect

-please start with file „step024“!
-first change the oscillation from sine to random, in the DCO-window!
-change the random-frequency to the maximum (also in the DCO-window!)
-now activate „volume“ in the Vapor-Modulations-window and change depth back to zero! you should hear a long high noise!
-then activate the „pause“-window inside vapor-modulations. please make sure that the speed is exactly at 0.200hz!
-then change the depth to 500millisconds!
-then activate the „length“-menu in vapor-modulations and put the offset-slider down to 2.9msec! now you should hear the effect. but it’s still not complete!
-back to „pause“-window, you should change the mode to SawUp!
-now the ball is only falling down!
-to get a nearly perfect imitation, you may adjust the process-slider a little to the right!
-tip: if you want a reverse-falling effect, simply change the mode from SawUp to SawDn!

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