Bug reports

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Fyler RapidComposer


Here's some bugs I found in the Mac stand alone Demo. I'm on a late 2007 MacBook Pro with a 15 inch display at 1440x 900. When I launch the demo, it appears in a minimized window and I can't drag the window from the top towards the top of my screen until I first click on the lower right window expander first. Most people will drag the top window bar first to the top of their display and then pull the lower right window expander down to the right.

Also I found that It's hard to find the area on a track, that drag/expands the track down for a larger viewing area. they are hidden at the lowest areas of the color coded, vertical bar at the extreme left, or on the lowest note of the vertically displayed keyboard. You'll need something there that is visible for people using machines like mine to see.


Thank you, funkystrings, I will check these issues.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Hello Attila

first of all compliments for the software, i'm not very expert in harmony and RC is very interesting to me.

I'm reporting a bug. Sorry if i have lost the solution maybe posted somewhere else.

I have RC full version
windows 7 64 bits SP1
cubase 7

independently if i open RC in standalone or in VST mode:
If i simply open the application , i go to phrase editor, then open chord palette, with midi in checked. If i input some midi notes..crash!!
i changed midi source (USB keyboard, or midi input from my sound card (an RME raydat)...standalone, or vst..it's always crash.

Thanks for taking note

go ahead with your work this is an exceptional piece of software!!! let's hope the bugs will be solved soon



Hello Mau!

Thank you very much for the bug report. I can't believe I have not realized this problem! I managed to reproduce it and in a few hours I'll upload an update with the fix for this and other issues.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Hello Mau,

the update is uploaded with the fix. Please click on "Check for updates" on the 'Support' panel. The new version has automatic update checking (disabled by default). The OS X installers will be uploaded tomorrow as well as an announcement will be posted on this forum.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Thanks a million for your fast answer!!!!

all the best


Hi guys, I emailed Attila (developer) but wondering if you guys have had any experience with this bug report-

I often, lately use RC (version 2.2, the latest one) as a VST inside Reaper (version 4.21).

Every single time I exit Reaper after messing around a bit... EVERY time, it crashes and makes my Reaper hang... by hanging, I don't mean the screen is shown... I mean the task is still in task manager (Windows 7, 64-bit)... and it takes about 5 minutes to finally remove itself.

If I start a new Reaper project (as in, after experimenting with RC as a VST)... the same thing happens. It's just any variation of leaving that project in Reaper (exiting, starting new, etc)... "We're sorry, but Rapid Composer crashed"...

Anyone else experiencing this?

How about re-draw/windows errors when first inserting RC as a VST in Reaper? When it is first inserted... it always opens with a TINY little corner (top right corner) of the RC window... it takes a bit of effort to be able to resize the window since it's so small. I have dual monitors, so maybe that has something to do with it, I don't know. So annoying, though. But the crash upon "New Project" or exiting Reaper drives me insane.

If I DON'T exit or start a new project, then it's usually very stable and no problems...


Hi themixtape,

thank you for reporting this problem. I am working on the fix right now. What happens is that Reaper was optimized not to unload the binary image of the plug-in which stays in memory. When it is reused (a new instance of the plug-in is created), certain data structures - that are initialized when loading the plug-in the first time - contain bad values, so nasty things happen. I hope I'll have a fix for this this weekend. (The hanging at exit is already fixed)

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Bug reports from a user (from another thread here at the forum)... wanted to post here in case anyone else is experiencing similar.

I don't know what version the user is using... but here are his issues:

Crash upon midi import (he doesn't say specifically what he is trying to import)

Crash upon changing output port (again, don't know full details of this)

Crash upon clicking outside of an input window (don't know fully what he means)

Crash upon re-opening a crashed project


FYI - When RC restores a crashed project, I have had it be VERY unstable... but since version 2.3 Build 5, I have not had the program crash once, as VST or in standalone.

Attila has mentioned that if you wish to start RC without trying to restore the last project, hold CTRL and open the program.


When saving a user defined color scheme, the color settings for the browser and the inspector don't seem to be saved properly. When I import the saved scheme, these settings (browser and inspector colors) remain unaffected. I testet that on the VST plugin version of RC on Win8. Not a big thing of course.

Please check also if the settings (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) for the inspector work properly anyway. They behave differently than those of the browser (I get different color results for the same settings).


Thanks! These are all fixed now. Browser and inspector colors and transparencies are saved and restored with the preset.

You were right, there was an unnecessary HSV to RGB conversion which messed up the color for the inspector.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Testing demo of version 2.5 (x64) with Windows 8.1. Everything was going fine, and as I was reaching the end of Video Tutorial 2, RC crashed. It gave me the message saying so. I restarted it, and it crashed again instantly. I restarted it again, and it now froze with the message "recovery successful!".

Task Manager says RC is "not responding", so I have to shut it down.

Any suggestion? Or is compatibility with Windows 8 not ensured?


If you could be as specific as possible as to the events that led to the crash, please let us know... the more specific, the better.

Windows 8 compatibility is not guaranteed... but XP, 7, etc... all good.

I'll pass along the info to Attila, but again.. the more step by step you can provide, the better.

Also, to start RC without freezing, hold CTRL and double-click the icon... it starts without recovering the crashed project (completely fresh start). Sometimes this helps a lot after a crash.


themixtape wrote:If you could be as specific as possible as to the events that led to the crash, please let us know... the more specific, the better.

Windows 8 compatibility is not guaranteed... but XP, 7, etc... all good.

I'll pass along the info to Attila, but again.. the more step by step you can provide, the better.

Also, to start RC without freezing, hold CTRL and double-click the icon... it starts without recovering the crashed project (completely fresh start). Sometimes this helps a lot after a crash.
The CTRL trick worked fine. Thanks for the tip! I was about to full uninstall.

I was caught by surprise by the first crash. I'll be more attentive this time, to see if I can provide more info.

Thanks for the prompt response.


themixtape wrote:If you could be as specific as possible as to the events that led to the crash, please let us know... the more specific, the better.

Windows 8 compatibility is not guaranteed... but XP, 7, etc... all good.

I'll pass along the info to Attila, but again.. the more step by step you can provide, the better.

Also, to start RC without freezing, hold CTRL and double-click the icon... it starts without recovering the crashed project (completely fresh start). Sometimes this helps a lot after a crash.
Ok, now: I started to follow your video on the Idea Tool. I was setting up the Tracks (you suggested 3). For Track 1, since I have the demo, instead of the Melody Generator, I chose the Generic Generator for a piano.
Since I saw you had as "Phrases Set" Melody Generator with 8 beats, and I had GG with 4 beats, I right-clicked on GG, to change this to 8 beats. Typed 8, pressed Enter...

I will keep on reporting, hoping to learn something in the meantime!

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