Nexus 3 Users: Are you planning to upgrade to Nexus 4 now?

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion

Are you planning to upgrade to Nexus 4 now?

Total votes: 114



This is just an opinion...

The thing that hits me....many synths do not charge for these minor style upgrades. I am not saying that there was not a TON of work that went into Nexus 4 and the making of presets...there was! But it is still a minor upgrade from a, and get this, ROMPLER point of view. Nexus is a ROMPLER so we expect to pay for expansions...not for the upgrades of the engine.

If this were a DAW, sure, $99 is a fair price. But as it is...not.

Some may argue about the time put into the new presets...ok, give me the update at no charge, and omit the presets. In a ROMPLER I may NEVER USE THE INCLUDED PRESETS! I usually purchase expansion packs to get the sounds I desire.

And before someone kicks in with "no one is forcing you to upgrade", I respond with, "I wish they would, and do it at no charge given the nature of this upgrade!" Especially....

Since all future expansions REQUIRE Nexus 4, reFX has forever changed the face of ROMPLERS. Most ROMPLERS are free, and you pay for the sound packs. Now, to benefit from new sounds we will have to, um, PAY, for an upgrade that really includes features that should be a part of every ROMPLER out there.

I loved Nexus 2. I kinda liked Nexus 3. Nexus 4, no matter the time between 3 and 4, should have been free given we have to PAY for expansions to play sounds from it...and now NOTHING is backwards compatible. At the very least each pack moving forward should still work with older versions. love for 4.


Given the fact that, according to the survey, 87% of Nexus 3 users don't presently plan to upgrade, that means that the potential market for new sound packs is only 13%. That does not sound like a sustainable business plan.


GMusic wrote: Fri Dec 03, 2021 11:35 pm If you got to choose the 10 packs and not be forced into just the latest 10, that deal would be pretty fair and enticing, IMO.

I love how Vengeance offers a "pick 5" package for Avenger. I wish ReFX offered something similar.
Well, reFX already got bulk discount prices.
Currently 15% off starting from the 2nd XP
20% from 6th
25% from 10th
30% from 14th
35% from 18th
40% from 22nd.

Nevertheless those huge bundles aren't too encouraging. Especially since N4 + 10 latest XPs is currently less expensive compared to solely your 10 favorite XPs.


tony10000 wrote: Sat Dec 04, 2021 3:52 pm Given the fact that, according to the survey, 87% of Nexus 3 users don't presently plan to upgrade, that means that the potential market for new sound packs is only 13%. That does not sound like a sustainable business plan.
I know... but we have to be a bit mindful of KVR polls. Already one person here said they ticked NO when they didn't own Nexus 3. Half maybe are like that, people like to rag on certain developers.

We have no real clue. Maybe it really is 87% and reFX will figure that out fairly quickly if so.

What seems a shade more substantial is that I haven't read anything from anyone to suggest any of us who are unimpressed have missed anything. "A lot of new presets" is really the best argument, and even there it's not as cheap as buying 2 expansions you actually want.
W11, Ryzen 7900, 64gb RAM, RME Babyface, 1050ti, PT 2024 Ultimate, Cubase Pro 13
Macbook Air M2 OSX 10.15


Sanjay C. thinks it is a "no brainer" upgrade.


Lol the comment section reflects this kvr poll.


tony10000 wrote: Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:01 am Sanjay C. thinks it is a "no brainer" upgrade.
Couldn't agree brains are exactly what is required to jump on this POS.


jacqueslacouth wrote: Sun Dec 05, 2021 2:15 am
tony10000 wrote: Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:01 am Sanjay C. thinks it is a "no brainer" upgrade.
Couldn't agree brains are exactly what is required to jump on this POS.
In all the years I've browsed KVR I think this is the first time a post made me actually laugh out loud. :lol:


tony10000 wrote: Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:01 am Sanjay C. thinks it is a "no brainer" upgrade.
At the same time he states:
Nexus 4 also adds 260 new presets and, let me say this, given that Nexus is really all about the presets that number feels a bit low to me.
Nexus 4 doesn't feel like a huge jump, the difference between Nexus 2 and 3 was much more drastic.


DanielPL wrote: Sun Dec 05, 2021 9:52 am
tony10000 wrote: Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:01 am Sanjay C. thinks it is a "no brainer" upgrade.
At the same time he states:
Nexus 4 also adds 260 new presets and, let me say this, given that Nexus is really all about the presets that number feels a bit low to me.
Nexus 4 doesn't feel like a huge jump, the difference between Nexus 2 and 3 was much more drastic.
True...that is why I thought the "no brainer" comment was kind of surprising.


Wow, content creator 'reviewers' are complete puppets. Isn't it funny how paid reviewers think it's a no-brainer but the huge majority of paying customers seem to think its an absolute joke?


As a former content creator, I find it slightly repulsive. Most companies loved a mixed feedback as it helped them make a product that was pleasing.

Of course we all love praise. But many of us who "give" our music away even love the negative feedback that helps us grow.

Nexus needs to grow. The update should have been free...period. I mean SERIOUSLY...period! Don't give us ANY presets. Let us purchase those as an add on if need be. But as it stands there is NOTHING in this update that merits $99 even under the current inflation status of this confused mixed up world of fast rising prices.

There is now a part of me that wonders why I upgraded to 3. Nexus 2 was incredible. I paid for 3. It would take a preset/sample pack of enormous magnitude to make me go to 4... but I own some incredible synths so....


JonSolo wrote: Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:27 pmThere is now a part of me that wonders why I upgraded to 3.
None of me... I'm very happy with the jump from 2 and 3. It's way, way quicker and better to work with on pretty much every level. It shows up the micro-step from 3 to 4.
W11, Ryzen 7900, 64gb RAM, RME Babyface, 1050ti, PT 2024 Ultimate, Cubase Pro 13
Macbook Air M2 OSX 10.15


I would agree that it feels snappier. But who would know because we update our computers every year or two ha ha!

Seriously, maybe I spoke too soon on 2 to 3...except, I am missing some presets from 2 to did not speak too soon.

And sadly I sacrificed my license to 2 (though I would lose it with the current eLicenser changes).


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