Feature requests

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Multiport MIDI:

For those who have difficulty with the VSTi, it sure would be nice to have Multiport MIDI implemented.

With Multiport MIDI you could route tracks to different sound modules including hardware or free standing VSTi with virtual midi cables. You could also use virtual MIDI cable to port to your DAW.
Help! I've fallen up and can't get down!

Win7 x64 Dual Dualcore Xeon 3.0 Ghz 16 GB Ram. Cubase 6, RapidComposer, BIAB, Abelton 6, Acid Pro 6,Roland XV5080 & Super JD, E-Mu CS PX7, Korg Radias R and MI-EX R, ASR-X Turbo, UAD 2 Quads, stuff.


Mute Variation Slider:

Repetition with subtle variation is a great way to build a composition.

I with there was a 'Mute' variation similar to 'Note Range.'

I'd like to be able to repeat phrases on different tracks, but drop out different sections of the phrases at different points in the composition. A 'Mute' variation with a double ended slider that could be set to, for and example, mute beat two and half of beat three would be great. This is different than a rest, which would apply to all the tracks. It would be a convenient way for tracks to 'talk' back and forth to each other without having to delete, chop up or regenerate a shorter phrase.
Help! I've fallen up and can't get down!

Win7 x64 Dual Dualcore Xeon 3.0 Ghz 16 GB Ram. Cubase 6, RapidComposer, BIAB, Abelton 6, Acid Pro 6,Roland XV5080 & Super JD, E-Mu CS PX7, Korg Radias R and MI-EX R, ASR-X Turbo, UAD 2 Quads, stuff.


Mirror Vertically Variation:

It would be very useful to have a mirror vertically variation in addition to the mirror horizontally.

Having a phrase rise or fall and maintain its rhythm is generally much more useful than just reversing it from front to back as in horizontal mirroring.
Help! I've fallen up and can't get down!

Win7 x64 Dual Dualcore Xeon 3.0 Ghz 16 GB Ram. Cubase 6, RapidComposer, BIAB, Abelton 6, Acid Pro 6,Roland XV5080 & Super JD, E-Mu CS PX7, Korg Radias R and MI-EX R, ASR-X Turbo, UAD 2 Quads, stuff.


Exported MIDI files should carry the name of the composition upon export. I may be missing something, but when I drag to the desktop I am getting a generic name.
Help! I've fallen up and can't get down!

Win7 x64 Dual Dualcore Xeon 3.0 Ghz 16 GB Ram. Cubase 6, RapidComposer, BIAB, Abelton 6, Acid Pro 6,Roland XV5080 & Super JD, E-Mu CS PX7, Korg Radias R and MI-EX R, ASR-X Turbo, UAD 2 Quads, stuff.


Hello Attila:

Just a couple of feature ideas that I have mused about over the past few days:

[1] Generated Phrase history in generators (inspired by another user's request for an undo feature in the melody generator to get back a previous generation)

It would be useful if all of the generators (assuming it makes sense for a particular generator) had a history of say 10 or so (perhaps this could be a user configurable number) prior generations. Clicking the "Regenerate!" button automatically advances to the last page of the history to display the newest regeneration (e.g. #10 of 10). Some transport style buttons could be added to the generator dialog (enabled/disabled as appropriate based on the number of history entries) to allow the user to cycle through the previously generated ideas (see screenshot). Would it be possible for all of the settings for a particular regeneration be part of the history entry so that they could be recalled along with the generated phrase (i.e. each history entry would be a complete snapshot for that particular regeneration; this would allow a user to know exactly what settings yielded the output)?

[2] Custom folders for chords, chord progressions, scales (to be consistent with the way that the Phrases database works)

Allow for the user specification of custom folder locations for chords, chord progressions, and scales. Any user-created content (scales, chords, and chord progressions) that was added to a particular database would be saved as a separate file to its respective custom folder location for easier backup and retrieval. The name for the separate file could be generated based on the display name in the appropriate browser with a special character (e.g. '_') substituted for those reserved characters that are not allowed by the file system, along with an appropriate file extension (or something like that) to help RC distinguish between the possible different content types (chord, scale, progression) when all stored in the same custom content folder. In addition, it would be useful to have support for automatic import into the database (if not already present in the database) of content data files found in the custom content folder (I believe it already works this way for phrases).



What he said! Tony, not only great ideas, but exquisitely articulated. I really like the 'reset' all parameters on recall part to not only vary the notes while prototyping, but also to allow the user to vary parameters across the same notes!

I'm totally on board.
Help! I've fallen up and can't get down!

Win7 x64 Dual Dualcore Xeon 3.0 Ghz 16 GB Ram. Cubase 6, RapidComposer, BIAB, Abelton 6, Acid Pro 6,Roland XV5080 & Super JD, E-Mu CS PX7, Korg Radias R and MI-EX R, ASR-X Turbo, UAD 2 Quads, stuff.


Tony, this is a cool idea! You even prepared a screenshot!
That is my dream come true: creative people who understand RapidComposer are brainstorming. This is my favorite thread... :love:

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


I've another request:
There's a third run generator. What about generalizing this for arbitrary intervals?
Just add an interval selector and let it generate runs of fourths, fifths, octaves, tritoni, whatever...


como baila wrote:Tony, not only great ideas, but exquisitely articulated.
Thank you!

I just read Attila's reply in the melody generator thread -- it sounds like he was already thinking along the same lines with regard to the feature for paged phrase generation history. Cool. 8)


HiEnergy wrote:I've another request:
There's a third run generator. What about generalizing this for arbitrary intervals?
Just add an interval selector and let it generate runs of fourths, fifths, octaves, tritoni, whatever...
Good one! I had been thinking the very same thing when I first learned of that feature while watching one of Chris's tutorial videos. In addition to thirds, dyad runs of intervals suchs as fourths, fifths, and octaves are often used as well.

It could be generalized and renamed to the "Dyads Run Generator".


musicdevelopments wrote:That is my dream come true: creative people who understand RapidComposer are brainstorming. This is my favorite thread... :love:

Wonderful! I like to brainstorm about things that interest me, and I like doing it with others who share the same interests. :D


tonedef71 wrote:
como baila wrote:Tony, not only great ideas, but exquisitely articulated.
Thank you!

I just read Attila's reply in the melody generator thread -- it sounds like he was already thinking along the same lines with regard to the feature for paged phrase generation history. Cool. 8)
'Na nah na nah na nah!' I already asked for this a week ago! ;)

The 3rds Runs Generator is fantastic! Just the thing to throw some strings or bells on the last bar or two of an eight bar verse.
Help! I've fallen up and can't get down!

Win7 x64 Dual Dualcore Xeon 3.0 Ghz 16 GB Ram. Cubase 6, RapidComposer, BIAB, Abelton 6, Acid Pro 6,Roland XV5080 & Super JD, E-Mu CS PX7, Korg Radias R and MI-EX R, ASR-X Turbo, UAD 2 Quads, stuff.


You guys are insane! I love how RC is receiving a lot of love in the forum, lately. It is incredibly awesome.

Btw, Thirds Run was my idea, that Attila quickly implemented as a surprise to me in one of the beta builds. I love that guy and his programming ability, AND friendliness. :)

Rests Variations - great idea, of course... and, the "Generated list" idea, also great... 5 of 7, etc.

I haven't had any time to mess with RC since finishing the manual and helping Attila with all the custom content, but all these threads make me excited to check out the next build... you can bet that if it's a great suggestion, Attila will get it going within days.

Awesome stuff.... again, glad you guys are enjoying our hard work (and hope you guys find the custom phrases/content helpful!)


Hey Chris, it is nice to have you here! :)

Yes, Thirds Run is Chris's idea. It would be very easy to add other intervals but could it be called 'Thirds Run' when it offers fourth, fifths... or maybe rename it to 'Dyads Run' as Tony suggested?

[lots of text deleted...]
By the time I finished writing this I realized that we can rename it, and if someone is loading a composition that contains 'Thirds Run' it will be silently renamed to 'Dyads Run' and set to use thirds.

I was just thinking loudly...
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


como baila wrote:Multiport MIDI:

For those who have difficulty with the VSTi, it sure would be nice to have Multiport MIDI implemented.

With Multiport MIDI you could route tracks to different sound modules including hardware or free standing VSTi with virtual midi cables. You could also use virtual MIDI cable to port to your DAW.
This can be done now but perhaps I misunderstand your request como.

I send from RC on one computer to my DAW on a second computer via midi over lan program rptMIDI by Tobias Erichsen.

With this I can route to any instrument via midi ins. So basically I can send RC track 1 to RP Blue, RC track 2 to Zebra, RC track 3 to Diva, etc.

This is the advantage I find when using RC stand alone as opposed to as a VST inside my DAW.

If you decide to use RC stand alone and you are on one machine you may want to consider Tobias' loopMIDI. You can find these great programs at no charge here:

Happy Musiking!

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