problem with cubase 7 upgrade e- licence

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion


how can I get the activation for 6.5 ? I got only activation for cubase 7 .


I really could not get this . why do i have to care about 6.5 activation ? i got Cubase 7 with an activation code that should work normally


evidently not! the price you paid for C7 evidently was lower due to an assertion it was an upgrade from 6.5.
"cubase 7 Update from cubase 6.5"
do you not have a legit 6.5? you get that activation when you buy it!! if not, you're SOL.

if you bought it from Steinberg, it's at your My Steinberg 'Show Registered Products' ACTIVATION CODES RECEIVED ONLINE. if you bought the box, there is a card with 'Your Activation Code(s):' & activation codes printed on it. :?


read these replies carefully: if you do not have C6 activated, which the key shows via e-licenser, you will never be able to activate the upgrade. you cannot activate any upgrade onto this empty key. you're done, until you have the activation for 6.5.[/quote]

Thank you for your help my friend :) ur right (y)


On another note just in case you have 2 boxed versions and 2 elicenser dongles.
Just use one and as described/suggested above. First Activate 6.5 followed by 7 and you should be golden. I now have an additional(boxed Artist 7 upgrade) that is stored away safe, the one in use I got in 2009 with Essentials 5. I imagine if it ever gave up the Ghost I could contact Steinberg and send it to them and then use the other blank one. Hope you sort this all out.


I'm really wondering if this is the restriction issue steinberg have done without warning on where you buy 7 from.

Giusmex did you buy it locally or an online store?


TheoM wrote:I'm really wondering if this is the restriction issue steinberg have done without warning on where you buy 7 from.

Giusmex did you buy it locally or an online store?

I seriously doubt that
but your reply just might keep this thread alive a bit longer :wink:


Boujenah wrote:I really could not get this . why do i have to care about 6.5 activation ? i got Cubase 7 with an activation code that should work normally
As several others already explained, you need to care about Cubase 6.5 because you supposedly bought a package which includes Cubase 6.5 and the upgrade to Cubase 7. It happens that, when you try to install the license to Cubase 7 in your e-licenser, it first checks for a valid "upgradable" license, (which means - a license for Cubase 6 or 6.5). Since you did not PREVIOUSLY installed that license (for which you should have ANOTHER code to download it) you are unable to install the Cubase 7 license.
In other words, you did not buy Cubase 7, bought Cubase 6.5 packaged with the upgrade to Cubase 7, therefore, it's a two step way to go.
Fernando (FMR)


Hi all,
open my steinberg page on the web,
register your elincenser code ( find your elincenser your pc.)
and click reactive elicenser code.follow instructions,
they will gives a new elicenser code,copy your elicenser activation tool
and register,
thats all..

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