Which additive synth (on sale) to buy? Air Loom or Harmor?

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
Harmor Loom Classic


Picked up Loom since it started going on crazy-price sales recently, and Harmor is just in a different league to be frank.

I was really surprised by how little of Loom is modulatable (even by normal synth standards, let alone Harmor standards). There's also precious little you can do to modulate partial frequency rather than just amplitude. Just the two modules at the left of the panel, whereas every other module is purely about manipulating partial volume.

It's still a cool synth that's fun to explore though, and the workflow is fast other than being unable to reorder modules - a bizarre omission. It may well be no Harmor, but then nothing out there is really.


Harmor is the one Windows synth I really wish were available for Mac...


pdxindy wrote:Harmor is the one Windows synth I really wish were available for Mac...
There's a beta version fully workable and free for OS X.


Well it's an alpha, very buggy, not been developed for over a year (and 32 bit)


Sometimes I like to be devil's advocate. But I'm a huge Harmor fanboy, so not today. There's nothing else like it. Maybe Alchemy, but even then Harmor's additive engine is better at resynthesis and easier to use.


Harmor is great, but I can't say I have ever used (or heard of!) look so I can't really comment. Sorry to hijack the thread, but does anyone have any good links to decent tutorials or courses to look deeper into Harmor?
Feed The Paw


TheCatBurglar wrote:Harmor is great, but I can't say I have ever used (or heard of!) look so I can't really comment. Sorry to hijack the thread, but does anyone have any good links to decent tutorials or courses to look deeper into Harmor?
A guy from KVR wrote a manual in his spare time recently which can be downloaded here. It's impressive work for an unofficial project: https://www.malmgren.nl/Harmor.pdf

There's also a Youtube guy called SeamlessR who does loads of stuff with Harmor. The music and sounds he makes aren't really my cup of tea, but he's a true power user who does some amazing deep dives into the more esoteric functions in Harmor that may have passed you by. Search his Youtube channel for Harmor, or look at his "how to bass" tutorials because 50%-plus of them are Harmor based too. https://www.youtube.com/user/SeamlessR


nineofkings wrote:Sometimes I like to be devil's advocate. But I'm a huge Harmor fanboy, so not today. There's nothing else like it. Maybe Alchemy, but even then Harmor's additive engine is better at resynthesis and easier to use.
I agree. Tried the Alpha version. I have been amazed. I just hope they will restart the machine to make it happen on OSX.

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