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Zero latency routing, from input to output.
I've joined Lurkers Anonymous.


My latest...I've mentioned these before but in the interest of having them in one place and keeping them on the radar:
1. B4 working as an insert effect.
2. Sample buffer size stored as part of a multi.
3. DFD working better


Hay.. good idea!

here's mine:
(copied from the posts before...)

Import of image files (bmp, jpeg, pdf ?!)

This would be great as you could read score-sheets etc... possible ?


Would be fine to being able to subdivide the plugins into several categories (as lead synth, Pads, Organs whatever..!

e.g. in the midi-filter-window:
(next to vel-switch, key-zones and transpose)


being able to choose between yes/no for:

enable program change
enbale control change
enable aftertouch
enable (sustain) pedal
enable pitch bend

(for EACH channel/instrument - that would be a nice and helpful feature, especially for live usage)
=> e.g. sustain enabled for CH 1, but disabled for CH 2

Save SINGLE/MULTI-patches on external medium

would be great to be able to save my own sound creations on an external medium (usb drive etc).
at the moment, the only way to do so is: "create a new bank" and save my "patch" in there...
now, the patches are on my internal HD.


sometimes it would be quite helpful to have a look at the CPU-usage in a plugin's EDIT-mode as well, not only in MIX-mode.

Simple Knob-Assignment Feature in Edit-Modes

I'm in EDIT-mode and enter the LEARN/FACELESS-mode.
Especially in FACELESS-mode (where all paramters are shown) I'd like to see the KNOB ASSIGNMENTS, at least for knobs #1-#4.
It would be enough to have that yello box next to the parameter. and i mean: BEFORE I have edited the patch.
This way, I wouldn't have to turn a knob, just for getting to know, which parameter it is assigned to (and still "worse": the sound is modified now... that means, I have to "reactivate" that patch).

(actually, a refresh-button would solve this problem, as well!

MIDI Monitor

A little feature if possible:
having a function to see, which data is coming in (especially CC#).

MUTE-Button for MASTER

I'm always forced to disable the activated channels/or pull down the master volume.
(e.g. when using a synth midied to RECEPTOR, using sounds of both ones - when checking a patch from my synth I don't want to hear the RECEPTOR sounds ...)

Up/Down buttons/arrows for PLUGIN-selection

just like for the patches I'd like to have two little buttons to choose a source/plugin in MIXER-view... often, I do know the plugin that's the next one in my list. that way I could go 1 or more steps further... => faster access...
right now, I still have to open the window, select the plugin and close the window...

More detailed information on parameter changes

I'd like some kind of little pop-up window with numbered information about the parameters.
This is for the sliders in MIX-mode. would be great to see a certain value. (just as in CUBASE for any changes in mixer-mode etc..)
that way, a more detailed and precise "mixing" is guaranteed and not "by chance".



As per the discussion ... 69#1417969, please consider providing an option to send midi clock to the receptor midi output. This would be very useful for tempo syncing external devices to receptors's tempo.

Thanks in advance,



Import and playback of standard MIDI files... :)

Like many folks, I have been thinking about the benefits of taking Receptor out live. As it stands, it's pretty damned cool in that regard, though, as has been pointed out, there is no sequencer for it, which means that I would have to drag the old K5000W out too. However, I was just thinking that the ability to import and playback standard MIDI files would be a very cool feature and would alleviate the need for another "workstation" onstage. One could easily create their sequenced passages on their main DAW, and then offload them to the Receptor. They would take very, very little space, so you could have lots of them on the drive. Many more than you might be able to store on a standard hardware workstation.
There are rocketships outside of my window. Really:


Import and playback of standard MIDI files...

Scot's idea would be even more useful if/when NI's new Bandstand general midi sample module is supported.


MIDI plugins.

this is sort of a "someday" thing as it's not vital to me right now, but being able to send midi out of one plugin and into another would create a lot of potential, since it would allow VST writers to create harmonizing, quantizing, comping, sequencing, metronome, and all other flavors of midi mashing plugins. it would probably also be useful to route the midi from a plugin to the receptor's midi out (as well as the midi clock as mentioned in above posts). the receptor could then really become an all-in-one box, and eliminate the need for built-in midi processing capabilities...assuming there are some of the above mentioned types of plugins out there, and that they're even possible with the VST architecture. you could even leave the re-mapping of CC#'s and tap-tempo ability, both oft-requested features, up to plugin writers.


A "performance view" screen.

when doing a show it doesn't help much to look at my receptor from across the stage and see the mixer screen, so i typically just have my monitor tucked away in a 2u drawer. what would be nice is if there was a "performance view" that was configurable for each multi and showed you the name of the current multi, in customized font/size/color and perhaps an image, names of current singles, track mute/bypass status & volumes in an abbreviated format, and perhaps some key plugin parameters (selectable w/ each multi) with nice visible knobs/sliders that you could tweak if you needed to. it would also make getting a touch-screen that much more practical.

visualization plugins might be a cool thing too, although somewhat impractical...;) though in theory i guess those are possible right now by just putting a sonically transparent VST plugin--that displays some cool graphics in its interface--on the master FX insert.


I'd love the ability to remove VST plugs and library infomation on My Receptor that I own.

Really bothers me that I get a error telling me I do not have priviliges to delete files on a unit that I own.

I wonder why Muse thinks they're 'helping' us by making decisions like this in our behalf.


You can remove plug-ins by going to the SETUP page and using "Uninstall Plugins."

Receptor uses a very strict directory structure. It is very easy to mess things up if you delete, move or rename files.

If after using "Uninstall Plugins" there are still files that you want to remove and can't, write back and we will figure out how to do it.
Dan Timis
Software Developer
Muse Research, Inc.


cbreeze34 wrote:A "performance view" screen.

when doing a show it doesn't help much to look at my receptor from across the stage and see the mixer screen, so i typically just have my monitor tucked away in a 2u drawer. what would be nice is if there was a "performance view" that was configurable for each multi and showed you the name of the current multi, in customized font/size/color and perhaps an image, names of current singles, track mute/bypass status & volumes in an abbreviated format, and perhaps some key plugin parameters (selectable w/ each multi) with nice visible knobs/sliders that you could tweak if you needed to. it would also make getting a touch-screen that much more practical.

visualization plugins might be a cool thing too, although somewhat impractical...;) though in theory i guess those are possible right now by just putting a sonically transparent VST plugin--that displays some cool graphics in its interface--on the master FX insert.
Check out TrackPAD3: ... 09#1464009

You can load jpg files, or create text in different sizes (no color). Make sure you create a second page by clicking the "+" button. Otherwise it seems that TrackPAD does not save patches correctly.

Save a TrackPAD patch for each screen. Save each multi with the corresponding TrackPAD patch. If you look at the TrackPAD GUI and change multis, you will see each corresponding screen.
Dan Timis
Software Developer
Muse Research, Inc.


Maybe suggested before?
Gauges on the Channel Strips (as CrownRoyal mentioned in a Recent post) or even better that you in some way could see what number between 0-127 the volume was on.
This would be perfect when you want to compare volumes on different multis.



Not sure if it's possible but it would make sense to provide a way for users to update their installed/authorized plugins on their own as the developers release patches and bug fixes rather than wait for bundled installers to be provided. With the number of plugins that Receptor supports increasing, the less likely Muse will continue to have the resources to keep each supported plugin up to date.


Audio input is muted while multi patches are loading, even if using balanced connectors. Patches with large samples can take a relatively long time to load so using the Receptor for live effects can leave one silent for a bit.

It'd be great if the audio bypass circuitry was enabled while patches were loading so that it would always be possible to get sound through the Receptor.

Also, it would be nice to have some feedback on the LCD while patches were loading (e.g. spinning cursor, dots).


- peter


I believe you can do this with ... aster1.htm

moseslawn wrote:Import and playback of standard MIDI files...

Scot's idea would be even more useful if/when NI's new Bandstand general midi sample module is supported.


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