ZynFusion Windows VST Bug List

Official support for: zynaddsubfx.sourceforge.net
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Oh hey! Look what I found on GitHub. Looks like 3.0.3's out. :wheee: Once again, time to download and get to testing. Will report back. :party:

Edit: alright, there's definitely still issues, but it's come a long way since the last build. Love using this synth, and it's slowly getting closer to being a great product.

I want to do Zyn justice, so over the next few days I'll be compiling a section-by-section list of things that I find, from major bugs to minor annoyances. Zyn has the potential to become a Professional-Grade product, and I'd like to help it get there.
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Alright, spent a lot of time with the new update yesterday/last night. First of all, great job guys! This is the most stable Zyn I've used yet. It's so nice to finally start digging deep into all the sound design possibilities this thing can offer without worrying about crashes.

There are still issues definitely, and some things that can be polished to make the UX better. I spent several hours last night writing up a document on everything I could find. I'm not even going to try to re-format it for KVR lol, so I've linked it below.

Thanks again!

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xljgh7 ... kHq8Q/view
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Great document AJ Young! Few are those who do what you do. :wink:
"The educated person is one who knows how to find out what he does not know" - George Simmel
“It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.” - John Wooden


We are close to the end. Good work. But :

- File/load master: After navigated to wished folder to load a “master” (in C: only), the file explorer returns to C:\User\xxx. I concur with AJYoung’s suggestion: replacing this whole page with opening the Operating System Load/Save option
- Vu meter: no red zone or 0db limit
- No undo function
- No Mac version (Mac Os and Linux come from Unix)
- Still not possible to run Zyn and Zyn-fusion together. If I rename the new dll, there is no GUI. If I rename the old dll, it works, but zyn setting are lost on old projects. It shouldn’t be important after fixing of all bugs of Zyn Fusion.
- Once, the host crashes (can’t reproduce)


@AJYoung, Thanks for the list. I've fixed the two crashes noted in the file browser section and in theory I've fixed the missing '..' bug there as well, though I think I've had trouble verifying that last bug on my build VM in the past.
Per the general note about using a platform specific file browser window, that would have been an ideal solution, however it's much more complex than you would expect when supporting several platforms and satisfying the embedding requirements for plugin hosts (even with the current quirks).

After chasing down a couple of other minor issues a patch should be released.
One of the developers on the ZynAddSubFX open source synth
The author of the Zyn-Fusion UI for ZynAddSubFX


@Fundamental :
- Keyshif (fine tune or per octave) and vu-meter are much better in the old Zyn GUI. Can an improvement be expected ?
- Again : what's about a undo knob ?

Thanks for answers


via https://github.com/mruby-zest/mruby-zes ... 12725f9220 undo/redo have been re-enabled. Under standalone the shortcut is ctrl+z and ctrl+r. Under the plugin version I don't think that plugin hosts reliably translate 'ctrl' keyboard events, so it might only be possible to perform these operations by entering learn mode (which the UI assumes is 'ctrl' activated) and then pressing 'z' or 'r'. Some further research is needed to see what modifiers may be available in plugin mode.
One of the developers on the ZynAddSubFX open source synth
The author of the Zyn-Fusion UI for ZynAddSubFX


Redo is usually CTRL+Y

But then again, you could make these almost anything you wanted.

CTRL+U and CTRL+R would be another non-standard way.
"The educated person is one who knows how to find out what he does not know" - George Simmel
“It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.” - John Wooden


HunterKiller wrote:Redo is usually CTRL+Y
The redo shortcut is now ctrl+y
One of the developers on the ZynAddSubFX open source synth
The author of the Zyn-Fusion UI for ZynAddSubFX


3.0.3-patch1 is uploaded.
One of the developers on the ZynAddSubFX open source synth
The author of the Zyn-Fusion UI for ZynAddSubFX


Wonderful! Bit busy finishing up an EP, but I'll give it a go later this week.
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I wanted to say, that for me the key inputs are not being registered in the vst version. I tested it with fl studio and lmms and both times in encountered the problem.
Also resizing the standalone executable messes up the ui, and in cant be minimized.

My ZynFusion version is 3.0.3patch1 and I compiled it from the buildscritps.
OS is Windows 7.
If you need more information, dont feel afraid to ask.
Besides that im loving the new Ui.


I couldn't run the demo of ZynFusion, neither standalone or the vst version. Standalone crashes and the VST comes up black screen. I can run the classic version with x86 bridge in 64bit REAPER.

What is missing or what is the requirement to run ZynFusion in windows?
MatschbirneLive wrote:I wanted to say, that for me the key inputs are not being registered in the vst version. I tested it with fl studio and lmms and both times in encountered the problem.
Also resizing the standalone executable messes up the ui, and in cant be minimized.

My ZynFusion version is 3.0.3patch1 and I compiled it from the buildscritps.
OS is Windows 7.
If you need more information, dont feel afraid to ask.
Besides that im loving the new Ui.
What's your procedure for successfuly building ZynFusion for windows?


MatschbirneLive wrote:I wanted to say, that for me the key inputs are not being registered in the vst version. I tested it with fl studio and lmms and both times in encountered the problem.
Also resizing the standalone executable messes up the ui, and in cant be minimized.

My ZynFusion version is 3.0.3patch1 and I compiled it from the buildscritps.
OS is Windows 7.
If you need more information, dont feel afraid to ask.
Besides that im loving the new Ui.
Thanks for the bug reports. Unfortunately I don't know the root cause for lost key inputs at the moment. I haven't had a chance to setup FL studio to track down the issue and I don't know how LMMS handles key input for VST plugins (Looking at their source it looks like the events are masked an not delivered to the plugin, but I may be mistaken).

As per the resizing behavior, I did not replicate that when I last tested on a windows install.
what is the requirement to run ZynFusion in windows?
OpenGL 2.1 + the framebuffer extension is the primary one.
One of the developers on the ZynAddSubFX open source synth
The author of the Zyn-Fusion UI for ZynAddSubFX


rcjach wrote: What's your procedure for successfuly building ZynFusion for windows?
Clone the zyn-fusion-build repository and then enter it. First you need to make sure you have the 64 bit version of mingw installed. Copy the libwinpthread.dll into the zyn-fusion-build folder. You should be able to find it in /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib.
Next thing you need to do to go into the "z" folder and replace the path "/home/vm/argh/zyn-fusion-build/pkg" found in the "windows-build.cmake" with the path to your zynfusion folder. If you have it cloned in your home directory, then you can also replace it with "$ENV{HOME}/zyn-fusion-build/pkg", but im not 100% sure if this is correct.
All needed packages are shown in the git-hub wiki.
If some of the dependencies fail to build, then try to add sudo before the "./configure", "make" and "make install" commands in all the buildscripts found in the "z" folder. This worked for me.
If you're getting the error: "fatal error: portaudio.h: No such file or directory" , then try to add "-DOssEnable=False" to the "build-windows.rb" script at line 79.

For other problems i suggest you to check out the github issues and look if there is one similar to yours, or try googling if you dont find anything there.

Hope this helps

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