Consolidated bug thread

Official support for:


[stuck by DarkStar, 09 October]
[unstuck by robenestobenz, 16 October 06 - irrelevant until XT2, and just cluttering the forum in the meantime]

I reckon it'd be useful to have a thread with a perpetually re-edited first post containing the definite, reproducible bugs for the latest version of EnergyXT.

Post them here or link to them and I'll update the post. Please let me know if they are fixed.

General program
  • If you save an .ext project containing a VST with a configurable number of outputs (e.g. Kontakt) EnergyXT and you reduce the number of outputs in Kontakt, eXT will crash when you try to reload the project
Main window & mixer
  • 03/02/06 - Track send values do not follow the plugins when you move them up and down.
  • 08/12/05 - When renamed, a plugin's GUI must be opened and closed in the main window for the new name to be reflected in the titlebar. The wrong name will be displayed in the titlebar of a docked VST even if the plugin GUI is not open at the time of docking.
  • Selecting multiple plugins and using the 'replace', edit, and docking options only affects the plugin you right click on to access the menu. Delete and duplicate work fine.
  • 12/12/05 - If you disconnect a MIDI link whilst it is sending data to a VSTI, you get stuck notes. To get rid of them, you've got to delete the VST.
  • Currently, MIDI learn for the volume and pan settings of a sequencer's audio track in the main mixer does not work. The awaiting input window shows up, but nothing happens when it is sent CC data. You have to create a MIDI track in the sequencer and route it to the audio track to get it to respond to the controller data.
  • Currently, automation of insert FX will operate at MIDI resolution even when the envelope track is set to high-res. More detail here
  • 12/01/06 - Sometimes when using the mousewheel with the timeline, the bars and grid get omitted. More info here
  • 08/01/06 - Sampler is missing from the replace menu (when clicking on a VST header)
  • 16/03/06 - When using an envelope track and using tempo changes to create a groove, rendering has problems. i.e. as an example use a change the tempo from 130 to 155 every two notes (16th notes in this case), then freeze your sequence, there is a sort of popping to the sound of the rendered file where the tempo changes occur. This is using straight-line envelopes, not ramps.
  • 16/03/06 - - Load XT VSTi into renoise, add a sequencer, open the sequencer (undocked) and add an envelope track. Now press Ctrl and you will get an Exception EaccessViolation message coming up.
  • 12/12/05 - If you switch focus between two MIDI tracks whilst data is being received, the VSTs connected to the track you switch focus away from will receive stuck notes.
  • 29/12/05 - If you set an arrangement's loop region's start and ends to the same place in live mode and trigger that arrangement, eXT freezez up with 100% CPU. Testing this one, I went away and made dinner while I waited for the task manager to come up
  • 03/12/05 - Copying an audio clip from one sequencer to another causes eXT to crash
  • 01/12/05 - The freeze process can't be cancelled
  • 04/11/05 - Tempo envelope disrupts playback of internal-sync XTe sequencer (example .ext provided)
  • Volume envelopes are not cut up correctly when you split an audio part - instead, a copy of the whole part's envelope is scaled down and applied to each segment resulting from the split.
Audio Part comp
  • f. in and f.out currently do nothing.
MIDI editors
  • 02/02/06 - The action feature does not work for P. Change or P.Bend. Instead, using it on these CCs affects note velocity.
  • 19/01/06 - Add a slicer. Insert sample. Delete Slice (note the sample list still says reports an instance of sample in use). Try to add new sample - ERROR: Sound already contains sample! (not true)
  • Selecting multiple samples and changing modulation data only affects the last sample clicked on (either with double click or Ctrl+click to multi-select)
  • 28/11/05 - Frozen tracks using the sampler comp have lower volume than they should
Envelope comp
  • Sometimes when you change the loop region, the envelope stops running and requires a switch from run mode and back to restart
EnergyXT as plugin
  • When eXT is loaded as a VST into another host (or itself), keyboard shortcuts do not work when focus is on the main window. However, they do work in all child windows.
Last edited by robenestobenz on Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:37 pm, edited 62 times in total.


Good offer, maybe would be good if Darkstar could sticky this thread? the one I did for the last beta took a lot of bumping :)

Minor Graphical issue: FIXED

Synced recording with XT as a VST/i not working correctly: FIXED

XT as a VST/i not accepting keyboard commands properly:[/b]
Last edited by 4tune on Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Ok, updated.


Thanks robenestobenz and thanks for the sticky Darkstar. :)

This is a link to the similar thread for the last beta so that people can locate it if they wish for unresoved bugs they have posted (also a link in there to here):


Updated and changed formatting a bit.


Bug or no???

When using the ASDR preset in the Envelope comp, release doesn't work.


I'm not totally sure since I don't know what mode it's supposed to be used with. Legato mode doesn't seem to be working anyway, which is what I'd guess it to be made for.


piranha XT wrote:Bug or no???

When using the ASDR preset in the Envelope comp, release doesn't work.
Confirmed, .

[EDIT: changed to use real words]


It would be nice to have a unified place for bug reports and feature requests, with comments/confirmations from users and Jorgen. And votes for most pressing bugs and features. And vague schedule information like "soon", "maybe", "never", etc., so we can get some vague sense that BRs and FRs aren't just going into a black hole somewhere and stop wondering whether they are being considered at all. Also sorted or searchable by category/comp/whatever. Trying to maintain BRs in a linear thread with edits to the first post just seems like it's going to crash and burn in a blaze of difficulty and and/or apathy. Maybe the current FR site can do this, I haven't really checked it out.


Well, it's not too much trouble to keep it updated, and it isn't stretching on forever at the moment so I think it should stay.

Feature requests are far more numerous, and certainly don't lend themselves to being amalgamated in a thread like this - but we have a site for those.


DarkStar wrote:
piranha XT wrote:Bug or no???

When using the ASDR preset in the Envelope comp, release doesn't work.
Confirmed, .

[EDIT: changed to use real words] just wasn't listed so I wanted to bring it back up.


piranha: Before I add it, I just need a bit of clarification as to what exactly the problem is. Would this be a problem with legato and sync mode?


I'll repost this bug then - it's pretty serious IMO:

energy XT crashes if the number of outputs for a VST saved in an .ext file is higher than the currently defined number of outputs for that plugin.

here's how to reproduce it:
you load a VSTi like kontakt with configurable number of outputs
set outputs to a high number (like 8)
save and close the song
set outputs to less than 8
reload the "8 output song" - slice up your life


Ok, added.


Hey guys,
I am playing with the demo and am enjoying the organization of eXT, but in the sequencer everytime I right click on an audio track (with or without an audio file) it freezes up. This does not occur when right clicking on the track header. Anyone else get this? I've not seen it mentioned. It is a major problem if one is to use this SW in earnest.

Jon :)

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