Making Music???

Modular Synth design and releases (Reaktor, SynthEdit, Tassman, etc.)
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I just realized I didn't make any music since I started with SE.
I'm spending way too much time creating VSTi's while I'll should be making music :cry:
So now it's music making time for me!

Anyone else having the same here?



My situation is a little different being that I just got all this new software as a replacement for hardware. But I have spent a great deal of time with SE when I should have been learning more about Cubase SX or tweaking ABSynth, etc, etc...

It's just that SE is like being able to make the ultimate synth patch. When I had my K2600S I would spend days just making patches, SE takes that and ups it about 10 fold for me.


I only have a few hours a week for creating music.. and now I spent it all on SE...
On the other side, it's nice to create your own VSTi's.
But if you never have the time to use them, they are useless.
I'm not saying I'll quit making VSTi's... I just want to make more time for the reason I started using SE.... MAKING MUSIC!

I must say i've learned a lot about synthesis the past months, and this definitely helps creating music. Now I know how to make the best patches for my synths!



I too have not being creating any more music since I started tinkering with SE..

The listening public is extremely grateful.. :lol:


me too
working to much on the plugs :)

but i did make 1 song :)


another one here :D :( :roll: ...

havent even managed a kvr contest entry for the last 3 months ...

... cheers :? rob


Have to say I didn't have any time to make music either lately....... and it doesn't even has to do with SynthEdit (although I'm planning to put some time into that too ;)).
CrimsonWarlock aka TechnoGremlin, Moved to Reason and Rack Extensions exclusively (from Reaper and VSTs) several years ago.


I managed to write a couple of songs using the samples that I got from the synths that I wrote. I have to much time though. The line is that I have to charge 50 cents for the c.d. otherwise dexrow is going to get in trouble with the irs for being a political camplain and not a buiness. I seem to have an unusual amount of traffic from people who have windows 98 today so I may have a hacker attack going on...
tracker for csound, free basic and some other stuff I forgot.


pile of unfinished stuff until after the holidays here.

I figure with work and the constant interruptions here
december is the month for doodling around with all these
synths and effects I've been downloading,getting familiar
with the new hardware,and getting rid of the old junk.

I treated myself to albino and fm heaven plus cronox 2
is on the way so i've been checking those out and weeding
thru all those dx7 patches I downloaded to pick out the usables.


My problem is even bigger. I don't have time to write songs just because I have to download and try all those fabulous synths you guys make.
It almost feels like it's christmas or something. :roll:

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