Nyquist EQ Feature Request, automatic gain compensation

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I love the way Nyquist EQ sounds, but there's a severe problem with the usability/ergonomics due to lack of automatic gain compensation on the individual bands. It's very tedious trying to make quick A/B comparisons because of this.

Every single parametric EQ out there does this, why not Nyquist EQ as well?





I use nyquist just because it does NOT have autogain make-up... think of it as a creative eq effect with a GUI very suitable for "live" stuff - especially DJing. There's poshifopit et al for every A/B need one might have ;-)

And FWIV, PLParEQ sounds better than others anyway :-)


.jon wrote:I use nyquist just because it does NOT have autogain make-up
It's still a hindrance. It should have the option, for those (most likely the majority) who prefer it.

I don't want my EQs in control of the track volume, that's far from "creative shaping" as you like to put it. That's what the faders are for.
.jon wrote:There's poshifopit et al for every A/B need one might have
Nyquist EQ doesn't sound like posihfopit: a completely different algorithm to those 4 in posihfopit. That's one of the reasons I like it - for variety.

.jon wrote:And FWIV, PLParEQ sounds better than others anyway
That's entirely subjective. Again, it sounds *different*, and while it provides the superior oversampling features, it simply doesn't work everywhere. Again, variety is good.

To be honest I don't quite understand why such an important (and simple!) feature was left out in the first place, or the point of the hidden gain parameter options.
Last edited by Kingston on Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.


That's entirely subjective. Again, it sounds *different*, and while it provides the superior oversampling features, it simply doesn't work everywhere. Again, variety is good.
that's why the smiley - this is way beyond objective!

Optional autogain would be fine, I'd just leave it off. It's not always the sound, you know, but the way the effect can be used.

sunny days,



Sunny days indeed! Bloody hot it is today. :)

Anyway, I wouldn't bother with feature request like this, but I happen to think Nyquist EQ is one of the absolute finest (free or commercial) digital EQs. No other EQ sounds quite like this. It would rule if it functioned like a normal parametric EQ.


Hi Kingston,

Thanks for your feedback. Can you explain in more detail what you mean by automatic gain compensation on each band? I am not very experienced with using eq's, so please bear with me. I actually tried to make it ieasy to do A/B comparisons by lowering the gain if you boost a band, and raising the gain slightly if you cut a band. But you seem to be talking about something else... so enlighten me :)



magnus@se wrote:I actually tried to make it ieasy to do A/B comparisons by lowering the gain if you boost a band, and raising the gain slightly if you cut a band.
Ah, you made it perfectly clear now.

Based on this information, here's what I really was talking about:

please make an option to turn *off* the automatic gain when boosting or cutting bands. I know you meant to make it a time saver, but no other EQ does that, and standards are good. Compared to other EQs A/B comparisons and fast judgements during mixing are actually slower with this semi-automatic gain in Nyquist.

Thanks for listening.



Kingston wrote:please make an option to turn *off* the automatic gain when boosting or cutting bands.
If you have a host that allows you to view all of Nyquist's VST parameters you can actually turn this automatic gain compensation off, I think the names are A:compen, B:compen and C:compen - there is also a master gain and a selection of three different filter types for each band, magnusA, magnusB and orfanidi ;)

Here's an .fxp with the autogain thing turned off for each band :-


And one for the 5-band version :-


HTH, unless of course I've completely misunderstood the question/problem :oops: :)



thanks Shifrin!

I know I have that host :-D

mmmmm more filter types


Indeed *cough* XT *cough* :wink:

"Micro Kid speaks digi-talk.."


Heh, Shifrin said it all :D

But if happen to I get an unusual spark of inspiration some time, I'll make these parameters available in the GUI too.


Shifrin wrote:Here's an .fxp with the autogain thing turned off for each band :-


And one for the 5-band version :-


HTH, unless of course I've completely misunderstood the question/problem :oops: :)

My humblest thankyous for pointing this out! I've always been aware of these hidden parameters but I thought they were mere gain sliders. RTFM Kingston! :oops:
magnus@se wrote:Heh, Shifrin said it all :D

But if happen to I get an unusual spark of inspiration some time, I'll make these parameters available in the GUI too.
Thanks, but in light of the revelation but Shif, I would consider this a non-issue. :wink:

What a great EQ. :)


magnus@se wrote:Heh, Shifrin said it all :D

But if happen to I get an unusual spark of inspiration some time, I'll make these parameters available in the GUI too.
I'd love to have them available in the GUI for each band. Would increase the workflow a bit still. Nice EQ btw! Also, your compressor kicks some serious behind too!

"Wisdom is wisdom, regardless of the idiot who said it." -an idiot


A little bump after a long time :). I think this EQ is worth it.

Does anybody know what's the difference between the different EQ types: MagnusA, MagnusB and Orfanidi?

I know what's Orfanidi good for, but what about MagnusA and B?

Also, It would be nice to have a few little buttons on the "bypass" tracks for autogain, magnusA, magnusB, Orfanidi... like "G", "A", "B" and "O" eh? But since it haven't been updated in such a long time, I don't think it will happen.

Anyway, I love this EQ :), so simple, nice sounding and effective. Thank you very much Magnus.

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti


Nobody knows the difference between MagnusA and MagnusB types? The difference is quite subtle, so I'm not 100% sure what it is. I tried googling, but couldn't find any info on the subject. Strange.
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

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