FR theme: Drum Tracks, Parts & Editor

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hi, some questions
1, drum sample editors have groups, what are they for?
i thought it might be to pitch each sample seperately or as a group but it dont matter if its group 1 or all, all samples are repitched

2,effects for each sample,it looks like no sends or insert opton is available,so maybe an FR then

3,nice floating(pop-up}midi editor can we have one for the drum track also please?

thats about it really

cheers, john


i think they are choke groups,

but haven't tried them yet :oops:

+1 to the FR's btw



hi, cheers subz i just noticed that when i change one sample to a number all samples change numbers, is that right?



hi, oops! damn ive done it again! ive sussed how it
works now! all samples are on one page, but
individual samples above (the small ones) when selected by clicking on them, can be assigned group choke numbers, same with pitch. oh well this info might be useful to someone else wondering how it works.

cheers, john


I figure I would continue this thread rather than start another.

I have a question re: Drum tracks:

Can sample start and end positions and tuning be sequenced parameters, like volume/pan/cutoff currently are? I can't find a way to add them in.

If not, a feature request: can that be added? I don't think they would need automation curves like volume/pan/mute/eq has, but per step parameters would be excellent.

Also, another question/feature request: can the sample gate be tied to the step length? I tried with a long sample and it seemed to play to its end each time. Or, if not step length than have optional gating next time the sample is triggered (monophonic mode).

Stuttered playing of samples is hard otherwise, where if you have a sample that sounds like "boom-laka-laka," it is difficult to sequence something like "boom-laka-laka boom-boom-laka-laka."


or a volume envelope per sample?


Yes, that too.


shamann there doesnt seem to be sample start and end automation yet but the boom-laka-laka thing, you could put 2 samples the same in one below the other and move the start and end marker to isolate the boom on one of the samples and build the beat that way, on 2 lanes. if i understand you right

cheers, john


Yeah, but that sort of fits in my view of difficult (or rather complicated compared to all in one place). Various gating options with drum samples seems a natural fit with electronic drum sequencing.


how do you get the velocity bars to work in the latest beta, just clicking and dragging is not working for me for some odd reason.


mitchell_ wrote:how do you get the velocity bars to work in the latest beta, just clicking and dragging is not working for me for some odd reason.
works only after you have expanded the sample's lane (you can do this from the track-header) - it is collapsed by default. :-)


I don't get the drum track; if there's no way to process the individual hits, then it's really not very useful for serious drum work imo...


well jamester for now you COULD make a folder track and set drum tracks for each sound although i personally would not like to do that either...

here's my FR: bit reduction. i would like to make presets of drum samplers where all pads are 16 bit, 12 bit 8 bit etc.... for layering experimenting purposes. anyone else want that?
i am me and i am free...k thx bai


AllenPOPO wrote:here's my FR: bit reduction. i would like to make presets of drum samplers where all pads are 16 bit, 12 bit 8 bit etc.... for layering experimenting purposes. anyone else want that?
Well, bit reduction is something I'd like to see included in da Ext multi efx.
Not the biggest priority, as inserting a free bitred plugin seems a nice workaround for me, but it is always a FR to take ;)


AllenPOPO wrote:well jamester for now you COULD make a folder track and set drum tracks for each sound although i personally would not like to do that either...
Right, similar to how in Live you can make a rack of multiple Impulse's, but only using one pad from each instance. Less than ideal, but it does work.

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