QWERTY Triggering Feature?

Official support for: energy-xt.com


hi everyone!

Just an idea..

How about a QWERTY keyboard triggering option for VST instruments?

is that a bad idea?


No... it already exists as a couple different VST effect plugins.

Trollo and MKey


OK thanks for the tip Piranha.

now how do i get either one of these to work with Energy? im new to XT and would appreciate it very much if anyone would be kind enough to give me a quick head start.

1st i load Trollo/Mkey and then 2nd i load the VSTi on the same MIDI channel right? so far so gould?


I still think there should be an option to control VST instruments within XT!


Load Trollo (or Mkey) into the comp view (not the Sequencer).

Then add routings from Trollo to the Sequencer (and/or VSTs loaded into the comp view) instead from the "Midi In" comp.

"Sometimes I think of Abraham...
How one star he saw had been lit for me"


I would LOVE to see XT have some modes for using the qwerty as a controller. Currently I have trollo in every project on my laptop. It's the only plugin in the root of my plugins folder.


I would like to see this too. I know about Trollo but it would be way nicer to have bulit in virtual/PC keyboard functionality like Cantabile Lite has.


Thank you SWTrex.

OK, got it working from the comp view, but it seems i need to keep going to the comp view for every new instrument inserted..
is that how it goes?

soma thanks for the support! cause that would be da bomb! Energy=MC2 with Sony VAIO UX


All components added to the sequencer also get added to the compview.
The way i have it set up, is I have a default project where I added trollo to the comp view and routed it to the midi input on the sequencer.
Press caps lock to dismiss keystrokes from getting to XT (so "s" plays D3 but doesn't solo the track, for example).


Pressing caps lock doesn't work for me. It still goes through to xt.
I would actually be in favour of a typingkeyboard-to-midi being added to xt2, if it doesn't take very long to add. You could have it so the tab-button would switch between midi-control and program shortcuts being active


Thanks for the tip soma!
one last niggle.. octave +/- does not work from the computer keyboard or Trollo. Need to transpose the semitone +/-12, which takes all the fun out.

Mighty Pea - same here.. caps lock goes unheeded.

I beg for this feature to be implemented as comp. that should not get in the way for those not needing. But for light baggage musicians on the go, it would be more than a delight.


Yeah caps lock is only working in XT1.


If Caps Lock was made to work in xt2 (ie, having xt2 only respond to lowercase hotkeys, case sensitive) I'd be pleased with that, actually.


I always use midiox - I always found the latency on trollo a problem.

Please, please can we add this feature into XT2.

ArtRage for Art | EnergyXT2 and Phrazor for Music | Blender for 3D


Charlie wrote: ... I always found the latency on trollo a problem.

Please, please can we add this feature into XT2.
I agree. +1

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