A few requests for u

Official support for: livelab.dk
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Hi Ohm.. here are a few requests from the other side of the proverbial pond.

1) While editing parameters locking all the widgets so as not to resize them inadvertently would be a nice option

2) Having an option to increase the + cursor. ie to make it vertically or horizontally longer (user defined). Like this multiple parameters could be changed at once.

3) Kinda like (2) but the ability to have parameters linked. Moving a slider controlling CC2 would also control a slider that was predefined as CC3. Basically linking widgets as a group and having a master slider that would control them.

4)Ability to set a range on a CC. CC4 would be 10-80. CC5 1-127.

5) For notes, velocity would be valuable.

If these features could be implemented you would make me a happy man.

By the way, this app is so much fun, thanks for developing it. I have live slice as well and am enjoying its versatility.

Thanks, oli


Just wondering if there will be any updates to tablet 2midi in the near future? It has been 6 months since the last post was answered in the feature request section. The post that I wrote beginning Sept. has been ignored & the email sent to livelab support has been ignored as well.

Bascically I think I'm an ok customer - I have bought both Liveslice and Tablet2Midi. I should at least get an answer to my posts. Don't think I'm asking for to much am I?

Thx, oli


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