Cubase 4.1 and LinPlug anyone ?



we've 4 customers who have trouble with Cubase 4.1x (not 4.0x), two Albino, and RMIV and CronoX. We cannot reproduce the problems, which are different in any case, ranging from no sound over crashes or strange behaviour.
Is anyone having same problems ? Is anyone using Cubasse 4.1 without problems, both helps us! Please let me know.


I've tested in a short song RMIV with 2 instances of Albino 3.
I have no problems. I used Cubase 4.1
If you send me a free copy of CronoX I can test it also for you :D :D


Hi Peter.
Cubase 4.1 here too.
No problems with :
RMIV - which I use all the time (mainly sample playback, not generators)
Albino3 - Used less, but still frequently
Octopus - Ditto

However, I rarely use Cronox3 these days, because on quite a few occations (under SX3 & C4) it has crashed on me... either going through presets, or programming some.
Never nailed it down enough to report it though .. just feels less stable than the others.

Tell me how to make Albino or RMIV mis-behave in Cubase 4.1, and I'll gladly try it out for you.


Thanks Echopark & Tony !

With RMIV we aere reported "no sound and crash upon multiple triggereing via the pads" and with Albino a strange behaviour when using a sustain pedal (actually a save dialog opened when sustain pedal was received by Albino).Another report was that songs made with Cubase 4 and Albino do not load with 4.1 (crashing or leaving Albino with mixed up presets). With CronoX we have been reported a crash upon trying to just load it.


Peter from LinPlug wrote: With RMIV we aere reported "no sound and crash upon multiple triggereing via the pads" and with Albino a strange behaviour when using a sustain pedal. Another report was that songs made with Cubase 4 and Albino do not load with 4.1. With CronoX we have been reported a crash upon trying to just load it.
Well I've never seen any of those problems Peter.

I just setup C4.1, Loaded RMIV & bashed loads of pads (with the mouse) for 5 minutes.. no problems.
I also use a midi kit regularly with no trouble.

I Loaded Albino3 just to check that the sustain pedal works OK .. 30 minutes of going through presets using sus pedal - no problems at all.

Cronox3 loaded fine here, and behaved itself completely going through presets for half an hour .. I created a new patch (pad using a friends voice) with no probs.
Maybe I'll be braver now myself, and pull out Cronox more often !!

In the past all C4.0 projects that I have loaded into C4.1 have shown no trouble with Albino (that I have noticed) .. I no longer have C4.0 in my system to check this though...

So no problems with Cubase 4.1 as such .. but of course there are so many system variables..
so if it helps..
I have Core 2 duo X6800 with 4 gig ram (/3gig switch), Gigabyte MB, Win XP Home & Motu 828 mk II Firewire s/c.
Testing from a NordLead 2 into an Edirol midi interface (usb).

... no help really is it !!! :wink:


Cubase Studio 4.1, latest patches.
Albino, Cronox3, Sophistry, Free Alpha.

No problems whatsoever, whenever.
daRem - PinkLime Studios


Cubase 4.1.0 here and just wrote the demo song for the latest Tempest bank with Albino 3, no problems. I think I had 5-6 instances going? I'd have to go look again. Either way, not a hiccup at all.

Simple music philosophy - Those who can, make music. Those who can't, make excuses.
Read my VST reviews at Traxmusic!


No problems here. I've been using using 4.1 with Albino2, CronoX3, Alpha, Da Organ and recently, RMIV extensively. No Crashes.

The songs that I have problems with from Cubase 4.0.x to 4.1 reveolve around corrupted XML (structure) info in customized instrument definitions.

Are you guys sure that RMIV isn't just coinicidentally involved in corrupted projects?



Thank you !

RedRoyQ: We have not heard about something like this.


Peter from LinPlug wrote:Thank you !

RedRoyQ: We have not heard about something like this.
If you'd like, I can send over some projects that exhibit this, but that would be more of a problem for Paul Kellett :)


Problem here.

I donno if this is a vista compatibility issue but every time I open it in Cubase 4.1, it is asking me for the serial. After I enter the serial( I bought this product, Rob;-), it asks me again next time I open it. And NO SOUND WHATSOEVER comes out of it.


Cannabis wrote:Problem here.

I donno if this is a vista compatibility issue but every time I open it in Cubase 4.1, it is asking me for the serial. After I enter the serial( I bought this product, Rob;-), it asks me again next time I open it. And NO SOUND WHATSOEVER comes out of it.
Do you have User Account Control enabled? Do you have admin rights? Lack of access rights might prevent your synth from writing to registry or something like that.
CubaseStudio4 µTonic/Rapture Nitro/GS-201/Ohmicide/TBK 1&3


Exactly, not much different from XP, just that in Vista per default all is a little more restricted.


RM IV wroks fine here (in Cubase 4.1 Studio).



yes I got UAC on and logged in as admin, but still problem


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