Is Atomic capable of Autecre-ish type beats?

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Hi everyone :)

i know most of you are probably rolling your eyes right now and saying "oh please, not another wannabe who's looking for a shortcut to IDM fame..." but bare with me :P

i downloaded the demo, tried the presets, read the manual and this is clearly a very powerful instrument. From what i gather the key to achiving this is the custom tempo and the random option but still - an audio demo from an experienced user, showing what this thing can really do beat-wise, would convince me much easily.

Thanks alot for any help and please - keep the scoffing to a minimum :D



Hi Tzvika.

What is "Autecre-ish type beats" . Are you talking about algorithmic?
Did you check out any of the mp3's on the site?

Also, Atomic is a composer tool. So while we can do a few examples, the composing is up to the user. We don't want to do the composing for you!
However, it is easy to set up a whole bunch of notes, enter in a user rtyhmic grid, and put it in random mode and let it go for a bit!



Hi Tim,

Thanks for your reply.

I did listen to the MP3's and although they are impressive, they're not answering my question. What i meant in 'Autechre-ish beats" is intricate, fast paced and almost never repeating kind of rhythm.

Of course i dont want anyone to do the composing for me, that's not what i'm asking :) But an audio example as a "proof of concept" will help convince me much faster because i'm more interested in the rhythm-creating potential of this instrument, and not in creating algorithmic melodic textures.



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