Installing Zebra2 to non-C: disk

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I'm a little surprised that this hasn't already come up, but search on likely keywords turned up nothing.

Is there some way to install Zebra2 to a disk other than C: ? I've got all my hosts and plugs installed on a designated DAW partition, with the exception of Zebra2, which installs itself under C:\Program Files automatically. I shrugged it off for the last year or so, but I've got space issues on the system partition and being able to move 300MB to another drive would actually be darned convenient. Is there an undocumented installation trick? Is this an unreasonable request to make for a future update?


Hi, actually I found I can install Zebra2 to other drives\folders, but there's a C:\Program Files\u-he in which needed files for Zebra2 are written anyway.

This is quite annoying for me anyway, and I hope that the forthcoming Zebra2 update solves it, but even the latest RC doesn't seem to do so :(

So far, the only way to actually put files on another drive is using a file system (NTFS only) junction, that "fools" the system in making it believe it's writing on C: while instead it is doing it on another drive.

- Mario



Haven't you been able to install all of Zebra inside Vstplugins for the last couple versions?

A spectral heretic...


You can download the 'pre-installed version' of Zebra. Once extracted, you can rename and then move the directory (which contains everything Zebra needs) to wherever you keep your VST directory. You'll most likely have to move your personalised user.txt file over to the new directory as well.

Hope that helps.


It's all on my D drive no problem.


aMUSEd wrote:It's all on my D drive no problem.
So what was the procedure? When I did my install, I was asked to confirm my VST plugin folder, which the installation respected, but it put the bulk of the files under C:\Program Files\u-he\ just the same. Now, that was a couple of versions back, and since then I've simply run the update program. The user manual on line doesn't call out any such options, it simply declares that everything except the VST dll gets installed on C:


kevink wrote:
aMUSEd wrote:It's all on my D drive no problem.
So what was the procedure?
Did you read what I had posted?


advaya wrote:
kevink wrote:
aMUSEd wrote:It's all on my D drive no problem.
So what was the procedure?
Did you read what I had posted?
Yes, but it's not much help, since you provided no hints as to where a "pre-installed" Zebra2 image might be found. Searching this forum's archive didn't turn up any clues, and there's no such option on the u-he Zebra download page, just the same old Zebra22VSTWin installer as installed the Zebra data files on my C: drive. Where is it? And is that what aMUSEd used, or is there a "Plan B"?


kevink wrote:
advaya wrote:
kevink wrote:
aMUSEd wrote:It's all on my D drive no problem.
So what was the procedure?
Did you read what I had posted?
Yes, but it's not much help, since you provided no hints as to where a "pre-installed" Zebra2 image might be found. Searching this forum's archive didn't turn up any clues, and there's no such option on the u-he Zebra download page, just the same old Zebra22VSTWin installer as installed the Zebra data files on my C: drive. Where is it? And is that what aMUSEd used, or is there a "Plan B"?
Apologies for that. This is the link for the most recent 2.3 RC, which is a pretty solid release: ... 73&start=0

Look for the DL link called 'Zebra23pre-installed'

As far as providing a link to the 2.2 pre-installed release, you'll need to speak to Urs about that.



advaya wrote:
kevink wrote:Searching this forum's archive didn't turn up any clues, and there's no such option on the u-he Zebra download page, just the same old Zebra22VSTWin installer as installed the Zebra data files on my C: drive. Where is it? And is that what aMUSEd used, or is there a "Plan B"?
Apologies for that. This is the link for the most recent 2.3 RC, which is a pretty solid release: ... 73&start=0

Look for the DL link called 'Zebra23pre-installed'

As far as providing a link to the 2.2 pre-installed release, you'll need to speak to Urs about that.

OK, got it, installed it, and it seems to work in the absence of any cruft on C:. Thanks a lot! But while I don't mind using beta software, I *did* pay for a supported plug-in, and I *hope* that Urs will make it possible for me to have a full installation of the final 2.3 release that can be installed on my D: drive. Whether that's by providing a download-link to a pre-installed file structure or by giving me the option in the installed to override C:\Program Files as the default install directory, I don't much care how.


kevink wrote:
aMUSEd wrote:It's all on my D drive no problem.
So what was the procedure? When I did my install, I was asked to confirm my VST plugin folder, which the installation respected, but it put the bulk of the files under C:\Program Files\u-he\ just the same. Now, that was a couple of versions back, and since then I've simply run the update program. The user manual on line doesn't call out any such options, it simply declares that everything except the VST dll gets installed on C:
Sorry I don't recall using any special procedure. Maybe it goes by how the system flags drives and folders (my Program Files folder is actually called Programs and is set in drive D on a system level)



The installer for Zebra 2.2 offers the option "Everything in Vstplugins". This is basically the same as downloading the "pre-installed" version. So it's always been there ever since January :)


The new installer for Zebra 2.3 will automatically detect the existance of a folder and act accordingly: If is present (either by using the old installer or by using a pre-installed download), all updated files will go in there. If does not exist, everything goes into Program Files. So, everyone who already has a Zebra where he wants it to be can update just with the new installer. Everyone who does not yet have a Zebra but wants all resources in Vstplugins should download the pre-installed version.

I actually recommend the original structure because some hosts will take more time to scan Vstplugins when it's polluted with non-VSTs. At least, the new installer makes the folder less prone to user errors.

The new installer will be available shortly, it's undergoing final tests before Z2.3 is released.

;) Urs


Urs wrote:Hi,

The installer for Zebra 2.2 offers the option "Everything in Vstplugins". This is basically the same as downloading the "pre-installed" version. So it's always been there ever since January :)

A pity there's no reference to that information in the "Installation & Updates" section of the manual. You'd never find it if you didn't already know where to look. The pointer to the page is off of the "News" page, but the description there only refers to Receptor installation.

Since I originally installed before January, my updates sensibly enough didn't give me the option.
The new installer for Zebra 2.3 will automatically detect the existance of a folder and act accordingly: If is present (either by using the old installer or by using a pre-installed download), all updated files will go in there. If does not exist, everything goes into Program Files. So, everyone who already has a Zebra where he wants it to be can update just with the new installer. Everyone who does not yet have a Zebra but wants all resources in Vstplugins should download the pre-installed version.
Way cool. So when the offical 2.3 comes out, I can just install it and it will do the right thing. Thanks.
I actually recommend the original structure because some hosts will take more time to scan Vstplugins when it's polluted with non-VSTs. At least, the new installer makes the folder less prone to user errors.
I completely agree. That's why on my DAW partition, I've got a Program Files subtree where I hang stuff like the non-VST parts of plugin installations. Almost every commercial application I've seen for Windows throws up the same bog-standard dialogue box on installation, where it displays the default path (C:\Program Files\Whatever) and gives the user the option to modify that string or browse the file hierarchy. It's got to be a standard Microsoft toolkit object. It would be really nice and Windowsy if you'd include that dialogue in your installers, and it would give us the best of both worlds - program not on the system disk, but non-VST files not in the VST path. But a bunch of people would probably get pretty mad at me if I suggested you delay the official release of 2.3 in order to implement it. :shrug:


kevink wrote:It would be really nice and Windowsy if you'd include that dialogue in your installers
Well, as I said somewhwere else already, this would require writing things to the Registry. As I want to stay clean of the Registry, my stuff needs a known location that it can find easily, without consulting the Reg. Where C:\Program Files is the best choice, with Vstplugins being the only viable alternative.


Urs wrote:
kevink wrote:It would be really nice and Windowsy if you'd include that dialogue in your installers
Well, as I said somewhwere else already, this would require writing things to the Registry. As I want to stay clean of the Registry, my stuff needs a known location that it can find easily, without consulting the Reg. Where C:\Program Files is the best choice, with Vstplugins being the only viable alternative.
I can totally respect the choice to stay the hell away from the accursed Registry, though in principle you wouldn't really have to use it to achieve the desired effect. You could always install a data file under Vstplugins/u-he that contains the path to the rest of the stuff. Easy for me to say, of course...

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