The Thesys Feature Request Thread

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Using the octave performance track (1st) you get an additional +-24 range.
So you have a range of 73.


Sugar Bytes wrote:Using the octave performance track (1st) you get an additional +-24 range.
So you have a range of 73.
Thanks for your reply Sugarbytes. I would like to be able to play the full range by hand. At this time there is no way to do this. I would gladly trade in the keyboard control section so that I can do this. I just wish there were a switch of some sort to disable the keyboard control section when it is not needed.

Alienware i7 R3 loaded with billions of DAWS and plugins.


Orbit-50 wrote:I just wish there were a switch of some sort to disable the keyboard control section when it is not needed.



it could actually be useful to implement the automation of each parameters (step pitch, step gate, step velo...etc)

this way, every novation hardware owner could turn their controllers into a step sequencer, then each parameters could transmit their own value to the controller in realtime via automap.

At this time, I can already assign each step to a specific midi cc but, if I select another pattern or preset thesys can't send the right knob value to the controller.

Am I clear?
excuse my english :)


At this time, I can already assign each step to a specific midi cc but, if I select another pattern or preset thesys can't send the right knob value to the controller.
I dont understand for sure.

i have created my own remote25sl midicc map with the remote-editor,
it works fine, i pick up the parameter.

when i could do this all via automap - this would improve all, for sure


and, as my launchpad arrived, i realize i can hardly use it via
automap to controll it as a stepsequencer controller.


synthcom wrote: i have created my own remote25sl midicc map with the remote-editor,
it works fine, i pick up the parameter.

when i could do this all via automap - this would improve all, for sure
Can you pick up the value of each individual step?
I mean, if you increase the value of a step that you already assign to your Remote25sl's encoder with the mouse, does it affect the value on the Remote LCD screen?

If it works, please let me know how do you proceed.
Last edited by Silvand on Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.


- Multitimbrality (MIDI)
to control many Vsti with one instance of Thesys (same way Era did)

- chord editor

- pitch curve higher resolution

- 2 MIDI-syncable LFOs (with ability to control rate/Sync via modulation sequencer)

- Ability to increase length of a step (X2,X3,X4...)

- Full Automation (each step of each sequencer, not just a midi-learn function)

- Note input mode (in the scale selector)
to arpeggiate keyboard chords.

- Ability to navigate into the sequencer "time-line" via <- -> buttons then ability to control each step pitch, gate, & velocity with only 3 or 4 Midi encoders. (same way Era did)

I know that many of my requests already appears in other post
but I would like to point improvements that seems important for me. 8)


I'd like to see more features in the action section (actually the core feature of Thesys in my opinion). Some suggestions:

a- Swap Velo and Gate lanes on-the-fly: Velo values become gate values and vice versa. Provides some alternation without the need of using valuable pattern slots
b- Individual Loop length control for each lane via midi
c- Skip entry for random sequencer where the skip distance (2, 4 or 7 steps for example) is random
d- Individual playback options for all lanes (backward, forward, etc.)
e- Optional quantization of pattern-, action- and pitch-select (similar to the quantized clip triggering found in Ableton Live)

Only my ideas without urgent need or the claim of being useful. :)


Midi import..


It would be very handy to rename the modulation steps. For example: it would be nice to label it "Cutoff" rather than having it say "Ctrl 31"


Midi import.. i like the era midi import function. it is split into 16 differnet import button.



Great Midi Sequencer VSTi
Before i had a Octopus Hardware sequencer and your Thesys is really great.
But Direct Live Global Recording is poor.

For a Better Global Live Recording mode :
- REC Velocity level during playing
- Record note by length (different notes'sizes) and not only by "quantification".
- Can Record between +/-3 octaves
- Better scrolling between patterns(or remove issue) during Recording Live/REC/Global
- 32 STEP (or 64) in PATTERN SEQUENCER (to REC a complete song in 1 time)

and some others things

- Not only one but 2 or 3 Chords add by step (for complex chords).
- Can draw lines or curves beetween two differents steps (by exemple in MODULATION Graph).

but Thanks, THANKS,,



I play keyboard.
Yes, we need a better direct midi recording in this VST
BIG+1 :roll:


I agree with others regarding turning off the keyboard functions. It would be nice if one could select what keyboard functions would be operational. For example: maybe someone would not want the pattern select or maybe someone would only like to have the action keys operational.

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