Manifold and Resound 1.5.0 : Integrated Preset Browser / Linux 64-bit

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Manifold 1.5.0 and Resound 1.5.0 for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux are now available. These releases add the following fixes and features:
  • Native 64-bit support for Linux VST plugins and standalone applications.*
  • Integrated Preset Browser, with meta-data, tags, searching, and hot-swap support.
  • (Resound) Noise parameter is now scaled such that wow, flutter, and mechanical noise of the tape machine are completely absent at 0%. Older presets will still sound identical.
  • (Resound) Reversed delay tempo syncing has been improved with hosts that don't provide accurate PPQ.
  • Reduced CPU usage.
  • Windows VST 32-bit plugins and standalone applications no longer depend on additional runtime libraries. However, these libraries are still required - and installed - for the RTAS format plugins.
  • Various host compatibility fixes.
  • Additional presets.
Download the updates here.

The next scheduled update, eta late January / early February, will be String, although of course any essential bug-fix releases in the interim may have an effect on this.


* Linux versions are split into separate 32-bit and 64-bit downloads. Make sure you pick the correct one. As usual, Windows and Mac OS X downloads are both unified 32-bit and 64-bit.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

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