Zen Plus??

Official support for: bigtickaudio.com


OK your only real competitor, NI Kore, is now history. Here is your chance :) Why not develop an advanced version of Zen (maybe payware), with the librarian features but also the capability for sound design and plugin chaining - Zen already has 8 sliders but with the addition of a sound matrix or rack system and some sort of param morphing XY pad thingy it could be the next big thing but with the cloud based tagging overcoming many of Kore's limitations in that respect. How about it?


well, see V2.xx in the roadmap ? "Management of presets chains and combinations". I didn't intend to charge for it, though :)


Awesome - how about the morphing idea?



Why not - I'm not sure how this would work, though. If it is a morph between snapshots of a given preset, with variations of the 8 sliders, sure, it's no big deal. Morphing between different synths, or even between arbitrary presets of a given synth, is something else entirely.


Big Tick wrote:If it is a morph between snapshots of a given preset, with variations of the 8 sliders, sure, it's no big deal.
Oh yes please.
I'd be totally happy seeing this.

I even started a thread once which subhoster can do (realtime) preset morphing.


Essentially when it comes to realtime the only answer is apparently Kore.

see - here's your chance :D

Would be cool if we could also do full preset morphing though, not only the eight sliders.


Then I guess, the hardest part is finding how to put this in the UI :)


Big Tick wrote:Then I guess, the hardest part is finding how to put this in the UI :)
oh sounds exciting. :)

Thanks for considering this.


Big Tick wrote:Why not - I'm not sure how this would work, though. If it is a morph between snapshots of a given preset, with variations of the 8 sliders, sure, it's no big deal. Morphing between different synths, or even between arbitrary presets of a given synth, is something else entirely.
In Kore you store 8 variations of a sound and morph between these - a sound can be based in a single plugin or a chain of them. So it's more than just morphing between presets of one synth/effect but you are not morphing between plugins as such - just params.


That's a great thread. I was a bit late with Kore2 and am very sad it is discontinued (funny, never had thought they'd hype Maschine instead - whatever people say, many kinds of music that "belong" to Maschine are in silent decline since 5-7 years now...boring, repetitive music sometimes, of course this is a matter of taste.)
The idea behind Kore was great - and morphing tools like amused already described are a dream for anyone wishing to make own sounds and noodle from one to 2 to 5 to 8 easily...
Cheerio all.


Yep - I'm also jumping on the Zen train. I wouldn't mind paying for it either.

HARDWARE SAMPLER FANATIC - Akai S1100/S950/Z8 - Casio FZ20m - Emu Emax I - Ensoniq ASR10/EPS


Yep - when life hands you lemons you make lemonade. When NI drops Kore, you make Zen :)


I'm in support of this for sure, and if it gets to a point where it needs to be a payware option, I would definitely consider it. I will use Kore for the foreseeable future for production work but will install Zen and start to get to know it, if only as insurance against that future point when Kore no longer plays with Windows and Zen does...
tobias tinker
sonic adventures and experiments at:
music is easy; just start with complete silence and take away the parts you don't like!


Sounds good so far :)

Another complication is: we'd rather not start over again with the organization of our sound library. I've been working on this library since I had Kore; thousands of ksds.

Third parties are selling Koresounds so it's not a protected format. If Zen could import Koresounds with all attributes/tags, we could just migrate our library instead of having to start all over again. A lot of koresounds have multiple koresounds nested within that refer to NI plugins. That would be complicated to make I think. Some koresounds also use Kore effects and midi generators. That will be impossible to make. But... no problem if these Koresounds can be loaded without the Kore effects.

Kore 2/Zen+ users can also unite and share to make the exact same settings in Zen if unnesting the ksds within the ksds doesn't work.

The morphing between different plugins, doesn't Kore do that using the volume control of the different engines? lol. That's the way I do it ;)

The free Alchemy player uses the same morphing idea btw; the sounds already have host automated buttons and morphing between 8 snapshots. Kore users can save the Alchemy presets AND the snapshots manually and use Alchemy like packs from the Kore Line.

Concerning the controls: Kore can let the user assign host automatable parameters from the plugins to the Kore UI/knobs. They don't need to be all present. Kore makes like 8 pages available with 8 knobs each that users can assign parameters to.

Anyways, Kore users invested an incredible amount of time in their libraries and koresounds and will pay to not let that investment vaporize in 2-3 years and to have a more stable program. And they would rather pay you then the company that ripped them off :)


oh, I forgot. How about AU and ProTools support? Kore 2 works perfectly in my Logic 9 as long as I load AU versions of third parties. If I start VST programs like SampleTank 2.5 I start trouble. AU versions work fine.


lol, something for the far future: I stopped integrating my only hardware module, the Fantom XR, into recording projects. It would be nice if a program like Zen would have a sort of controlling for hardware so hardware sounds could be integrated in the sound library. I know there are some nice sounds in my Fantom but I never bother to try them in a mix because it disrupts the workflow that Kore 2 offers.

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