Was there a price increase?

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Was there a price increase on all the products? I used to be able to buy in USA dollars (I live in the USA.) But now I notice that the products have switched from dollars to pounds. So something that was $25 a few weeks ago for example, is now 25 UK pounds, which is about $40.


No - no price increase (except one - see below). They were all converted from USD to UKP and rounded up or down accordingly. In many cases, there is a reduction in price as a result (albeit a small one).

The only product that has effectively had a price increase is the VP330. I always felt I priced that wrong to begin with at $15 to I changed that to £15. But that's the only one.

Oh! And I reduced the price of HSDV by $5.




hollowsun wrote:No - no price increase (except one - see below). They were all converted from USD to UKP and rounded up or down accordingly. In many cases, there is a reduction in price as a result (albeit a small one).
What a nice man you are. A very nice man :hihi:



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