(See the Patch Submission Thread for more details.)
Task: Design patches suitable for ACE's "Modular Madness" category.
First place will receive one u-he NFR (not for resale) software product license!
How to vote
IMPORTANT! Votes will be entered into an automated vote counter. In order for this to work smoothly the following instructions need to be adhered to precisely. Please take the time to ensure that you understand these instructions before casting your vote.
Points are awarded in the following manner:
- 1st Place -> 5 points
- 2nd Place -> 4 points
- 3rd Place -> 3 points
- 4th Place -> 2 points
- 5th Place -> 1 points
Code: Select all
1. Exact patch name A
2. Exact patch name B
3. Exact patch name C
4. Exact patch name D
5. Exact patch name E
- Put your KVR username in place of "kvr_name".
- Number your patch votes exactly as shown above: from #1 to #5 and end each number with a period ('.').
- Please copy the exact patch names from the Voting Tally below.
- If you want to add information, or reasons why you voted for particular patches, please post them after the voting template.
RulesExample vote by bmrzycki wrote:bmrzycki
1. Super awesome patch!+
2. Subtle patch 1
3. funnysound
4. Grows on you?
5. Wobbler13
Great patches everyone! I especially loved the XYs on Super awesome patch!+.
All KVR who meet the following the following requirement are encouraged to vote!
- All voters must have 20+ forum posts. The only exeception is a new KVR member who has submitted patches to this contest.
- Patch authors must vote - no vote no prize!
- Patch authors are not allowed to vote for their own patches.
- Patch authors should refrain from identifying their own patches during the vote.
Voting tally
Iksbit: 5+5+4+3+2+2=21
LD VS MW: 5+5+3+3+3+1=20
Chimera: 5+5+4+3=17
Rhythm Drone: 5+4+4+2+1+1=17
Cool patch: 5+4+3+2+1=15
tea kettle: 5+5+2+2+1=15
THE BLADE: 4+4+3+2+2=15
Modular Madness In The Air: 5+4+3+1=13
randumbfmseq (mw): 4+3+3=10
Tesla Orgasmatron: 4+2+2+2=10
BeatBOXBiosFlash: 4+4+1=9
Doomsday: 5+2+1+1=9
Loch Ness: 4+3+2=9
Hurry Up and Weight: 5+3=8
Under Water: 3+2+1+1+1=8
50s Space Patrol: 4+3=7
Clangers: 5+2=7
Cyberspace Raceway: 5+1=6
WarmTape: 3+1+1=5
Dream Scanners: 4=4
Alien talking1:
Fiddler on the Helicopter:
Authors who have not voted
Voting is closed.
Patch authors
Code: Select all
3ee LD VS MW
Bronto Scorpio Doomsday
Bronto Scorpio Rhythm Drone
Noctilucent Iksbit
Noctilucent WarmTape
Resonator63 Clangers
Resonator63 Dream Scanners
RexXx 50s Space Patrol
RexXx Loch Ness
Shabdahbriah BeatBOXBiosFlash
Shabdahbriah Tesla Orgasmatron
benburling THE BLADE
ducelare Modular Madness In The Air
ducelare Under Water
hakey Chimera
justin3am randumbfmseq (mw)
loquat Cyberspace Raceway
petedako Fiddler on the Helicopter
petedako Hurry Up and Weight
satYatunes Alien talking1
satYatunes Cool patch
xh3rv tea kettle
pcg 0.3
last updated Sat Oct 15 14:06:35 UTC 2011