New update: Fusion ROM-Expansion 2.0

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Alesis Fusion ROM-Expansion 2.0


What is new?

- 100 new Program Presets

A nice range with Rock Piano, Romance Strings, oriental Duo, Angle Choir, Steve Hillage style Lead Guitar, Westcoast Wurlitzer, cool Basses, Mr. Mister Synths and many more. They are all memory-economizing designed to work fine in Mix mode together with several sounds even in a regular 64 MB Fusion RAM.

- standardised full Controller assignment

Like the previous ROM-Expansion Program Presets soundbanks 2 and 3 all new sounds have the same Controller assignment for the Control Knobs 1-4, both the S1 and S2 switches, all 4 T buttons as well as the Pitch Bend and Modulation Wheels and Aftertouch. This makes it absolutely easy to work with the sounds, no extra learning curve necessary.

- huge 31-page documentation and tutorial

Now the included PDF lists all sounds and samples and comes with a extra helpful how-to tutorial section to get the most out of the Program Presets. Also they are perfectly Category tagged! When you are looking for a specific instrument category sound: Just push the Fusion's Category button and scroll through the appearing list and select the one you have an eye on for your current song and check it out how the sound works for you.

To get a brief impression about the new sounds you can listen to the 7 minutes audio track here

Audio Track #2 ROM-Expansion 2.0

More details and audio tracks on the product page here

We've already sent out the update info newsletter to our Fusion owners customer data base. And the good news is that this update is free of charge for all registered ROM-Expansion owners. Just request the data package and enjoy the new sounds and 31-page booklet PDF.

Best regards



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