Problem with Jack Audio on Windows with Numark DJ|IO

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I need to use Jack to be able to route Traktor's output to a VST host so I can apply effects and equalization.

I've followed the windows instructions provided here:

I've edited the shorcut's Target as follows:

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Jack\jackd.exe" -R -S -d portaudio -d "ASIO::Numark USB Audio Device" -r 44100 
"ASIO::Numark USB Audio Device" is a valid device listed when running the command: jackd -d portaudio -l

Code: Select all

-------- device #18 ------------------------------------------------ 
[ Default ASIO Input ] 
[ Default ASIO Output ] 
Name                        = ASIO::Numark USB Audio Device 
Max inputs                  = 0 
Max outputs                 = 4 
ASIO minimum buffer size    = 512 
ASIO maximum buffer size    = 512 
ASIO preferred buffer size  = 512 
ASIO buffer granularity     = 0 
Default sample rate         = 44100.00 
But when I run the shortcut to start the JACK server I get the following:

Code: Select all

jackdmp 1.9.8 
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others. 
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame. 
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY 
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it 
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details 
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10 
AudioSM::initAudioSM nChannels:0 nFrequency:0 
AudioSM::init nChannels is 0 
Allocate: named semaphore already exist name = jack_pipe.default_system 
Can't open ASIO::Numark USB Audio Device, PortAudio will use default input devic 
Pa_OpenStream error -9993 = Illegal combination of I/O devices 
Can't open default PortAudio device 
Cannot initialize driver 
JackServer::Open() failed with -1 
Failed to open server 
I've also tried to use the Jack Control app. to setup my ASIO card but the app. crashes when I click the arrow to popup the device list. So I tried writing the name down directly in the input and output fields, but it won't start, same problem as using the command line (of course it has the same problem, it's just an UI for the command line...)

Any ideas?

My setup is:
-Core2Duo 2.2ghz
-4gb RAM
-Windows 7 x64
-Numark DJ/IO USB soundcard


emzero wrote:I need to use Jack to be able to route Traktor's output to a VST host so I can apply effects and equalization.

I've followed the windows instructions provided here:

I've edited the shorcut's Target as follows:

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Jack\jackd.exe" -R -S -d portaudio -d "ASIO::Numark USB Audio Device" -r 44100 
"ASIO::Numark USB Audio Device" is a valid device listed when running the command: jackd -d portaudio -l

Code: Select all

-------- device #18 ------------------------------------------------ 
[ Default ASIO Input ] 
[ Default ASIO Output ] 
Name                        = ASIO::Numark USB Audio Device 
Max inputs                  = 0 
Max outputs                 = 4 
ASIO minimum buffer size    = 512 
ASIO maximum buffer size    = 512 
ASIO preferred buffer size  = 512 
ASIO buffer granularity     = 0 
Default sample rate         = 44100.00 
But when I run the shortcut to start the JACK server I get the following:

Code: Select all

jackdmp 1.9.8 
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others. 
Copyright 2004-2011 Grame. 
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY 
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it 
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details 
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10 
AudioSM::initAudioSM nChannels:0 nFrequency:0 
AudioSM::init nChannels is 0 
Allocate: named semaphore already exist name = jack_pipe.default_system 
Can't open ASIO::Numark USB Audio Device, PortAudio will use default input devic 
Pa_OpenStream error -9993 = Illegal combination of I/O devices 
Can't open default PortAudio device 
Cannot initialize driver 
JackServer::Open() failed with -1 
Failed to open server 
I've also tried to use the Jack Control app. to setup my ASIO card but the app. crashes when I click the arrow to popup the device list. So I tried writing the name down directly in the input and output fields, but it won't start, same problem as using the command line (of course it has the same problem, it's just an UI for the command line...)

Any ideas?

My setup is:
-Core2Duo 2.2ghz
-4gb RAM
-Windows 7 x64
-Numark DJ/IO USB soundcard
I tried Jack on windows once. It crashes quickly.


Very useful.

I've seen videos and blogs of people using it without problems. It only crashes on that UI option. The command problem is different, it's like it can't find/connect to my soundcard.


emzero wrote:Very useful.

I've seen videos and blogs of people using it without problems. It only crashes on that UI option. The command problem is different, it's like it can't find/connect to my soundcard.
In measuring the usefulness of my response, please keep in mind that my talking about Jack keeps your post at the top attracting more attention. Ergo, for an empty post, a non-helpful response is actually more helpful than no response.



Hahaha, you have a point there mate.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just this is driving me crazy.


Most people tend to use Virtual Audio Cable for this kind of thing :


emzero wrote:Hahaha, you have a point there mate.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just this is driving me crazy.
And I did mean to be funny, SUCCESS!

I hear ya. Jack is powerful and it works most of the time on linux. I couldn't believe how quickly it crashed on my system.


UltraJv wrote:Most people tend to use Virtual Audio Cable for this kind of thing :
I will try VAC now. Unfortunately can't spend 50usd (usd are very expensive in my country) so hopefully the trial limited version will be enough...


VAC doesn't seem to allow ASIO drivers (it uses WASAPI) and my VST host uses ASIO devices, so I can't plugin the Virtual Cable into it because it's not ASIO =(

Oh this is so hard...


It does support ASIO. Maybe your ASIO drivers are the problem.


How exactly?

I've setup a Virtual Cable, but I can't find where to say "Use this ASIO device". And in Traktor, the Virtual Audio Cable appears as a WASAPI device, not an ASIO.


"With an ASIO wrapper like ASIO4ALL from Michael Tippach, you can use VAC in ASIO supporting applications"

If youre having trouble doing this in 2 apps, it may be that your ASIO drivers are problematic. Its a complex solution. People have tried it before. ANother solution is to use a DJ app that supports vst plugins :


Oh ok, I'll try ASIO4ALL. I thought it was only intended for use in soundcard without integrated ASIO drivers. My Numark DJIO has integrated ASIO drivers. I guess I misunderstood its usage.

Thank you for Deck and Dance, but if I can't make this work with VAC or Jack, I'll forget about VST effecting until I can buy a mac. Using Traktor is more important to me than running some VST effects in another DJ app.


With Virtual audio cable it would be- Traktor's output set to VAC1

VSTHost has one input as VAC1, then the output driver is Numark ASIO. You don't need two instances of the asio.
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Problem is both VST hosts I tried (SAVIHost and MiniHost) force me to select a device's input if I select Numark ASIO, it won't let me select another input that's not from the Numark.

Nevermind, this is still too complicated and inmature to be used in windows yet.

So I will just keep using Traktor without VSTs until this is more usable, I can buy a Mac or Traktor supports VSTs.

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