Multiple paths and MIDI Filter

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It's is possible to adress the same media file to several Racks? I want to process them in different ways like doing a crossover and I can't find a way to do it!!!

How can I disable the default midi assigments of a Piano plug in, for example?



Guess you've touched some weak points in Cantabile. I don't know a direct way to send either midi or audio from a media player in Cantabile to multiple racks.

For audio one workaround may be using the partial sends. First route the media file audio to an empty rack, then use it's partial sends to route the audio to two other racks with different processing.

For midi it's more difficult. You need to use the midi filters inside a rack - which is a bit cubersome. But you can filter, remap and do many other things within one rack holding more than one plugin.
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


Without tying yourself completely in knots, TIuser's suggestion of using the two sends is the least PITA approach.

The best way to do this, and to provide unlimited sends, is to send your audio to an empty rack - say,rack 1. Send rack 1 partial send 1 to rack 2. (All sends are stereo)
Send rack 1 partial send 2 to rack 3. Make the sends prefader and turn the gain of rack 1 OFF.

Insert whatever FX you like on racks 2 and 3.

If you require more treatments, make another rack... say rack 4. Send rack 1's OUTPUT to rack 4 and turn rack 1's gain UP.

Now you repeat the procedure you did with rack 1 except that now send 1 of rack 4 goes to rack 5 and send 2 of rack 4 goes to rack 6. Put the desired FX into racks 5 and 6. Once again, the sends should be pre fader and the output of rack 4 should be OFF ...

Continue ad infinitum or until CPU pegs out.

Daisy chaining this way gives unlimited and discrete sends to FX.


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