Any plans to make a Valhalla Spring Reverb?

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I am wondering if you have any plans to make a Spring Reverb? Thanks!
Play it by ear


Yes please


I have been shopping for a spring reverb today and am wishing it was as simple as buying a Valhalla DSP version and getting back to work instead of wasting time shopping the other choices.


morty cowverb wrote:I have been shopping for a spring reverb today and am wishing it was as simple as buying a Valhalla DSP version and getting back to work instead of wasting time shopping the other choices.
I definitely want a Valhalla Spring (even if it's included in a Valhalla Space Delay). Until then, check out Aegean Audio's Spirit Reverb if you haven't already (it's not very well known it seems). I've stopped using my other spring reverb plugins and have been using this one exclusively for a few months. Sounds like the springs in my guitar amps:

I would love it if Sean could top that however.


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