Best Price CPU for Diva?

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Which is the best priced CPU for using the DIVA without any problems?

Best reguards


Wantze Tut wrote:Which is the best priced CPU for using the DIVA without any problems?

Best reguards
4970k core i7


This is 2016. Diva was released in what ? 2012 ?
Any CPU, except maybe Atoms will do the job. Sometimes I use Diva on an old dell laptop from 2008 embedded with a Core2duo 2,0 Ghz and it runs just fine.


RedChameau wrote:This is 2016. Diva was released in what ? 2012 ?
Any CPU, except maybe Atoms will do the job. Sometimes I use Diva on an old dell laptop from 2008 embedded with a Core2duo 2,0 Ghz and it runs just fine.
It has seen a lot of improvements and optimizations since then though i think.


As far as i know there is no best priced CPU. It depends of you budget and horce power you need. The crap is that with Intel CPUs the price goes in geometrical progression more power you need. And Intel upgrade power of CPUs very slowly. But unfortionaly there is no beter CPUs then Intel. AMD is a loser as with video cards which running on the back of competitors which are not that great as well.
I do not think there are any significant creativity obstacles but it is just an ugly bussniess where the main goal is not to make the best possible products as soon as possible but to make biggest amount of money as possible.


From what I learned recently it all depends on how you run Diva. You can run Diva with fairly low CPU Power but when you start to do some serious tweaking of the filters and use the so called devine mode, then Diva becomes hungry. So if you really want to use the full potential of Diva you better get a good CPU. If not, then you can do it with most CPU's.
Win 10 -64bit, CPU i7-7700K, 32Gb, Focusrite 2i2, FL-studio 20, Studio One 4, Reason 10


By the way, there's something I don't quite get about the CPU consumption of Diva.
I've had Diva for a few years and it used to run perfectly with my McMini from 2012 (i7 quad core, but still from 2012).
Now I've upgraded my machine and switched to Windows, and everything is basically more powerful (i7 4790k, 16 GB ram, etc) and yet I can't even run one instance of Diva without my buffer popping/clicking. This happens even with a very very high latency (unplayable high). It gets a tad bit better if I set Diva to Draft mode, but then after one instance of Diva the trouble starts again. I can run tons of Aalto's in the same project and I'd never have that problem, although it's supposed to be a demanding plug-in too.
Is that an known issue with Diva and Asio or Windows? I don't quite get where the issue comes from here.
I tried in several hosts, so I don't think it's due to how Live manages ressources. Anyone had a similar experience?


That's certainly bizarre, especially since Aalto is a bigger CPU eater than Diva in fact. Don't think this has anything to do with ASIO though.

Are your power options set to High Performance? Also google a bit and disable core parking and Intel SpeedStep.


tttttom wrote:By the way, there's something I don't quite get about the CPU consumption of Diva.
I've had Diva for a few years and it used to run perfectly with my McMini from 2012 (i7 quad core, but still from 2012).
Now I've upgraded my machine and switched to Windows, and everything is basically more powerful (i7 4790k, 16 GB ram, etc) and yet I can't even run one instance of Diva without my buffer popping/clicking. This happens even with a very very high latency (unplayable high). It gets a tad bit better if I set Diva to Draft mode, but then after one instance of Diva the trouble starts again. I can run tons of Aalto's in the same project and I'd never have that problem, although it's supposed to be a demanding plug-in too.
Is that an known issue with Diva and Asio or Windows? I don't quite get where the issue comes from here.
I tried in several hosts, so I don't think it's due to how Live manages ressources. Anyone had a similar experience?
That's indeed weird. I use a Core i7 4970K as well, Live (9.6) and Diva. No such problems are acting up on my end. I can run multiple instances (around 5) with devine settings and per instance 16 voices. With the cutoff open on Ladder and cascade, i don't have drop outs, popping and/or clicking. This is @ 44.1 kHz. Ethernet enabled, but no browser opened.

This is pushing the CPU to 91 to 96 %. Very high for sure, but no dropouts...

This is on my UR28M ASIO driver with a buffer set to 96 samples. I have multicore enabled in all Diva instances.
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Mmmh, interesting... Thanks for sharing! It'd be interesting if I could test Diva's behaviour with another soundcard on the same machine. Still, Diva is literally the only plugin that does that. Everything else runs like a charm. I've e-mailed U-He to see if they know anything about possible issues with Diva and my config. I'm having trouble adapting to my new life without Diva! :wink:


At the moment I still use a 4 core from amd... changing to intel is very useful I think!

Thank you for your help!

All the best from Hamburg


a really fast one


I can manage three DIVAs + CPU intensive effects plugs on each with an i7 3Ghz from 2009.


I use 3 years old I7-3930 (~$400 at that time) and it can stand anything still.
Murderous duck!


david.beholder wrote:I use 3 years old I7-3930 (~$400 at that time) and it can stand anything still.
Give it the ultimate stress test, and try Diversion. :hihi:

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