Traktion 5 and midi device - Nanokontrol

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Waveform Pro


I have an issue regarding Traktion5 and the nanokontrol 2 :

When i assign the play button to an controler and I minimize the software, the play button does not work anymore (the other buttons are ok !!!) - I would like to play a sample while another software is playing on another audio device, like if Traktion work in background ...

Any help ?
Thank you.

(I am on OSX Sierra with traktion5)


Make sure your Nano control is disabled in all other apps except Tracktion. I had a issue like this. When ever I load reason and Tracktion is open the Nano Control would shut down in tracktion to start working in Reason for some reason it will over ride Tracktion. I am not sure if this is your issue but this is a problem I had notice with the Nano Control and my DAW's.

Below is a Nano Patch Setting the works great with Tracktion, (play,stop, set makers, ect.)
The bread and butter of this Patch is the nobs and Faders will not move your volume and pans of your track the Nano control already offer this. This patch will allow you to control any Plugin that is selected in Tracktion can be controled by the Nano Control Faders and nobs, note all transports will still work properly including record.
I Hope This Help :tu:


Thank you for your reply.
I tried the setup you give but no way, the play button is still not working when i minimize the App, even when I just go in another windows and no other music app is running :-/
Of course, I had disabled the Nano in all other devices... It is just the play Button that is not working...

I will continue to search... :-)

Thanx again


It's in the options tab to keep Traction running while minimized. I am sorry I didn't pay that part to much attention, but playing Traction while minimized is possible. Open a edit the look in the options tab in the bottom left corner :tu:

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