Modular plugin resources.

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Share your links if you have made any plugins that fit well with XT ...or know of any sites with plugins you think other XT users could/should use.


Good idea, best thing about xt.Totally modular. :D
Found a few on my travels..
Hope this helps anyone
Yamaha RM1X,Akai S2000,TQ5,CME UF5,Waldorf blofeld,Compact4,Yamaha A3k, Variax300, Yamaha MU10, Korg Padkontrol,Bidule.UAD1, Liveslice,Delta 1010,Delta 66 x2.

TobyBears VSTNETMID package is invaluable for sending midi into and out of matter if you need to send data to/from external hardware, between applications, or even to seperate computers over a network connection.
MDSP's ENV2MIDI plugin analyses the incoming audio signal to extract its envelope which is converted into MIDI continuous controler.(side chaining anyone?)
A c o u s M O D U L E S
...a large collection of unique multi channel audio and midi controller plugins... CHECKEM' OUT!


Well, here's my nightmix for tired XT-users after hard work and/or hours making music. I use to play this these days at night :-). Go to

and if you've got fast internet download the 2 instruments TAPEWORM (kinda m-tron, good sounds and for free) and FIELD (lots of background noise from streets, shops, school etc.). Wavetable-VSTis, so you do need fast internet or patience...
There are other fine plugins, not everyone might suit you, but worth a look (for example BENTSIDE is a kind of pop-Cembalo, might not sound this good alone, but added to other VSTis as a module sometimes sounds just new; and PRESSURE is not some 15-30MB to download but can produce nice bass-sounds, and so on). Some aren't that good, so test some, I like many of them.

Then you route those instruments to OHMYGOD! which you definitely should have all, in my opinion (and maybe all have it since ages, but if not, it's a must-have!). It is on the CD of every Computermusic-mag and such a fine plugin. Connecting these with XTs arpeggiator, maybe with the chords-function and so on is just fine for warm or rainy (now in Germany, ha ha) summer nights. The sounds of FIELD added to those VSTis may even wake you up (you thinking "am I in the middle of London right now?" or sth) if you're tired and play a note after happy-routing loud into your headphones or boxes (to wake up your neighbour too, haha).

Well there are so many sound-mangling plugs that fit well into EnergyXT... if anyone doesn't know DIVERSE have a look... with FRRRREEEEZZZZER2 you can "freeze vocals", there's SLOWER that stops or slows down (surprise surprise)your sound but saves your records :-). Fine things for using XT live.


these have been around quite for a while:


some more from smartelectronix:


There are so many vst-goodies on the web - let me tell you about one adress that collects many of them:


Another one I find very usefull for live composing or performance is Axxeom Trollo. I use it for triggering MIDI parts and Audio Clips from the PC keyboard, that way the whole range of the MIDI keyboard stays free for other things.
find it at:


Generate midi by analysing incoming audio. Lot's of parameters, bit difficult, but lot's of fun once it's working!

- bram


Bram wrote:

Generate midi by analysing incoming audio. Lot's of parameters, bit difficult, but lot's of fun once it's working!

- bram
Nice hint, thank you. Just wanted to add a link to Ioplongs slifty (but there are many elsewhere). You may play with slifty or in another way with Majkens TWITCH ( for those who don't own Battery or something, little drumsampler that I like pretty much) and put Koens KTDrumTrigger after that in EnergyXT.
Slifty (smartelectronix too) is nice, and KTDrumTrigger adds lots of possibilities to that.

some modular vst's i made
oscilator filter matrix so on just incase anybody finds em useful
thought id post the adress

oh this stuff is getting updated in the next few days or so
tidier guis and stuff
also there is no site as of yet this will take you straight to the ftp :)
I aint famous enough to be handin out signatures


I have made a dj-fader / crossfader

you have a fader for dj-pre-listning and a fader for
the main speaker.

It is very simple made in synth-edit. But very useful

you can get it on my webpage. Its on the fropntpage


TobyBears VSTNETMID package is invaluable for sending midi into and out of matter if you need to send data to/from external hardware, between applications, or even to seperate computers over a network connection.

I cant find "VSTNETMID" on his website


simonhans73 wrote:
NicFit wrote:
TobyBears VSTNETMID package is invaluable for sending midi into and out of matter if you need to send data to/from external hardware, between applications, or even to seperate computers over a network connection.

I cant find "VSTNETMID" on his website
it's at the bottom of the MidiBag page...



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