[SOLVED] BioTek and Collective won't load in Waveform on Linux

Discussion about: tracktion.com
Waveform Pro


I have set up Waveform and the DAW Essentials bundle just fine but I cannot seem to install the BioTek and Collective plugins. I have followed the instructions (The ones in the PDF and the README fidder slightly, not clear on if the while BioTek directory is copied, or just the Instruments and Samples directories..)

When I scan for new plugins, I get an error saying "Note that the following files appeared to be plugin files, but failed to load correctly" Then it lists BioTek.so and Collective.so

I am running this on Arch Linux, 64 bit using JACK for the audio backend.

I am working on packaging it in the AUR so others can get set up easily. Right now it works except for getting BioTek and Collective set up. Are there other places besides `$HOME/Tracktion` that the plugin data files can go and still be picked up?
Last edited by dangersalad on Wed May 17, 2017 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.


You can put them anywhere as long as you add the directory to be scanned to the VST locations list that appears when you choose the "Scan for VSTs" option.

Also, have you tried dragging and dropping the "*.so" files on the "Plugins" page plugins list? That will fire off a manual scan.


try doing 'ldd BioTek.so' to see if any dependencies are missing.


BloodyCactus wrote:try doing 'ldd BioTek.so' to see if any dependencies are missing.
It looks like everything has a proper link, the only "error" output is about `libcurl-gnutls.so.4` not having version info available


dRowAudio wrote:You can put them anywhere as long as you add the directory to be scanned to the VST locations list that appears when you choose the "Scan for VSTs" option.

Also, have you tried dragging and dropping the "*.so" files on the "Plugins" page plugins list? That will fire off a manual scan.
The file is in `$HOME/vst` which is in my `$VST_PATH`. All the directories in my $VST_PATH show up in the scanning dialog. I don't have a file manager installed (yet..) so I have not tried the drag and drop


The only other thing I can think of is check its permissions + owner/group.


BloodyCactus wrote:The only other thing I can think of is check its permissions + owner/group.

All the files are owned by my user and group, .so files are 755


hmm my waveform bundle is still downloading, I dont have those two vst in my t7 install. Ill check mine in a few days (1mb dsl in themountains very slow lol)


Yeesh.. Look forward to hearing back

If you are using arch by chance, check out the package I made above. I am working out the issue of the plugins installing themselves, but the .so files get put in correctly, but the asset directories still need to be done by hand.


I use xubuntu, I just atool -x into ~/.vst, the DAW collection worked fine, master mix, etc. (all running with T7). I dont think I have a working Arch VM right now to test. Waveform finished downloading over night so I should have an idea tonight if Collection behaves nicely or not


It may be worth noting that the plugins also do not appear to work in Bitwig, so I don't think the problem is with waveform itself.. Maybe I *do* have a missing dependency?

If you could send me the output you get for `ldd BioTek.so` maybe I missed something..


Trying to load the plugins in Bitwig yeilds some more info however, namely "could not read metadata: Could not read VST plug-in metadata"

Here is a pastebin of the full text from the errors


Dropped Collective.so into my .vst, copied the directories into ~/Traction, fired up T7... BAM quite to desktop.

one thing I noticed, which may or may not be an issue, T7 uses ~/.config/Tracktion4 for all its stuff, Collective put stuff into ~/.config/Tracktion

I need to install Waveform and hope it doesnt bork my T7 setup and see if it works under T8


ok, In W8, dropped in Collective... 100% CPU load, W8 locks up, unresponsive.

biotek has exact same behaviour.


Odd, looks like we are having two separate issues then.. I sent a message to their support, with a link to this thread and some posts from it, we'll see what they say

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