Jazzy Deep House for your critique...

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This track is a fusion of smooth jazz, house, and funk. VSTis used were SampleTank 2, Plugsound, FM7, Intakt, and Absynth. Everything is original composition. Let me know what you think! Positive or harsh criticizm is welcome...I need some real feedback from musicians.


Just hit the "Play" button on the right, or if that doesn't work hit "Download" and play it locally.



very genre bending!

The drum portions might be a bit 'deeper' to give it a more deep housey feek.

Aside from that, musically it's very varied and catchy :)

I give it a thumbs up
If it sounds good it is good.


pat metheny going house,

relaxed and smooth, yet moving,

pretty good work,

though I would agree eric bout the drums, could be a bit "house-ier"

Thanks for sharing

more is welcome


I would use something else but the guitar sound for the leads.
Does sound exactly what most sampled guitars sound like: Sampled that is.
And especially for a lead instrument that's no good IMO.
The whole thing gets a lot better when the e-piano enters... simply because of the fact that the cheesy guitar sound isn't there anymore.
To play such music on a guitar, it takes slides, half muted notes and whatsoever.

Also, can't you find some server space allowing for downloads without being registered?
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.


very nice happy groove ;)

made me smile very much, but.

major major needs musicians on it, guitar and bass for sure, also the drums sound very safe and too looped, needs plenty more variations.

on the musician tip! an example is when the EP comes in (SF was spot on) this shows how it could sound if it wasnt for the Midi Instruments letting it down.

you need a guitarist and bass player like fish need water man.



I like it. Very smooth and sweet as you described.

I will echo what some of the others have said, many of the instruments sound a little too fake. For some styles of music that works great, but for a jazzy tune like this realism is better.

Great song and some excellent keyboard riffs in there.


Musically excellent, despite expressivity maybe being a little lacking due to the MIDI sounds. Personally I don't care a damn whether it sounds realistic. In fact, I kind of like the cheeziness of the sounds.

The structure is great... Keep at it... Toughen up the drums and work more on your sound design.

One of the better things I've heard at KVR of recent times :D
Music with dinner is an insult both to the cook and the violinist.


Nice mix! The energy level is good, but IMO the chords don't seem to lead me anywhere, harmonically. I liked the quiet breakdowns in the middle, but you could stretch them out a little--perhaps develop them by adding some hot improv or a few choice sfx on top. before heading back into the main beat.

I have no problem with the instrumentation....I frequently listen to smooth jazz local radio, there is lots of house beats and lots of GM-ish sounding parts. So your mix sounds right.

Overall, you gots plenty of smooth, but IMO it needs some nice jaaaath epiano in the middle.


bithead wrote:I frequently listen to smooth jazz local radio, there is lots of house beats and lots of GM-ish sounding parts.
Ok, if you find me ONE single example of a tune played on any radio station using such a guitar sound (in a similar lead context that is), I owe you one!
Better don't bother finding one, you won't be sucessful.

Seriously, the rest might be all OK, but the guitar is inacceptable.
Yes, I'm a guitar player - but that's got nothing to do with what I'm saying. Instead of using a sound that perfectly demonstrates the imperfection of sampled guitar sounds, I'd rather not use a guitar at all.
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.


Sascha Franck wrote: Seriously, the rest might be all OK, but the guitar is inacceptable.
Yes, I'm a guitar player - but that's got nothing to do with what I'm saying. Instead of using a sound that perfectly demonstrates the imperfection of sampled guitar sounds, I'd rather not use a guitar at all.
Yeah, I'd say he could maybe use something more expressive for a keyboard player, say a synth lead or somesuch, if he couldn't get real guitar playing. The lack of expression is a definite shortcoming.

Still, love the track :D
Music with dinner is an insult both to the cook and the violinist.


Yeah, I agree (I'm a guitarist) playing that line on a Gibson ES-335 through a Polytone Brute or Roland JC would be a great way to go.

But more to the point, the line works just fine musically, so give Pete C a break, he's prolly like everybody else, one guy working alone in his bedroom or basement.

(Pete C if you ARE working in a million dollar studio, with a big ass budget, then your tune sucks, and you can do lots better, and WTF are you doing wasting time hanging out here?? J/K LOL !!!!)
:) :D :) :P 8)


bithead wrote:
But more to the point, the line works just fine musically, so give Pete C a break, he's prolly like everybody else, one guy working alone in his bedroom or basement.
Well, I'd gladly replace the guitar with something real.
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.


I listen to this type of house all the time and I think that, musically, this track is on par with some of the stuff that's being released today.

The bass sounds excellent and realistic. I think the lead guitar is missing some realism, but musically it sounds great. The drums are programmed very well, but would benefit if you used some different sounds (like the snare, for example). The background synths (presumably from the FM7) sound a little hokey to me as far as the sounds used, but musically they sound good.

I don't think that this track is far from being right on, it just needs some adjustments.


Thanks for all the advice! Right now I am just working with what I have...which is a bunch of VSTis in my bedroom like bithead said. :lol: Music is my hobby, but I'd like to make some more serious sounding tracks with real instruments in there. I would like to re-do the guitar part with real guitar hopefully soon.

SF if you are serious throw me a PM and I'd love to hear what you can do with it. I think that right there would help it out immensely. The bass is less of a priority, but if that was real it would take it up a notch as well.

I am not getting paid for my stuff it is just for fun right now. That is why I want feedback to see if people like it. My next VST will probably be something like Perfection which is loaded with House grooves to up the beats.

Can you guys recommed a better music server? I just use this so I can send music to my friends.



It has allready been said over and over. Getting real musicians on this will make this tops. So for a bedroom musician I think you pulled it off quite allright here. The e-piano (now if that were also played on a real rhodes ;) ) sounds absolutely delicious.

Great first offering to the Café Pete; I'll surely hope for more in the future.

Smooth, relaxing yet incredibly infectious to dance to.

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