download link: ...
Old nitro post:
I created a new skin for Presswerk designed for speed and straight-forward operation.
- All easy modes share the skin with the main view.
- GUI is smaller than the original and more condensed for shorter mouse movement >> faster operation.
- All metering is linear and is shared across all modes.
- Channel link is visible and accessible in all easy modes, so is m/s.
- Every dual-channel parameter can be controlled WITHOUT switching channels on marked "zones". Meaning you can adjust Sides or Right side without switching views. Again, aimed to make navigating faster.
- Input level around the threshold knob. Threshold sliders on the meters are also clickable/draggable.
- 100% retina ready (as opposed to a few knobs in the original he he)
Known bugs:
- detection delay slider is fiddly. for some reason, detection delay doesn't play well with slider control. I already had the layout done so i couldn't fit another knob there, so i just left it as it is.
GUI labels have been stripped to minimum so it's almost a necessity that you already know your way around Presswerk.
Download link: ...