Synthmaster 2 Midi won’t Learn!

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Hi Levent
Four days ago I re-established all Midi Learn parameters to SM2. Over the next three days I just launched the app in Stand-alone mode to check them, all parameters were present.
Last night I opened my Cubasis 3 project containing SM2 and had no problems, but when I launched SM2 this morning in stand-alone mode I discovered that FIVE parameters had lost their Midi Learn connections. There seems to be no reason why this problem should still be happening, there are no crash data reports for Cubasis or Synthmaster.
I am very interested to find out if other users are having this same constant problem.
I don’t know if it is possible for Synthmaster on iPad to be able send and receive SysEx messages, that way at least I could re-establish Midi Learn each time I run Cubasis 3……that’s if Cubasis 3 handles SysEx data.
Or perhaps have a dedicated controller on SM2 (and SM1) that can be assigned to any cc number for the purpose of Midi Learn, then I would not have to keep connecting my iPad to a Midi Controller keyboard (which I don’t carry around with me).
Just a few thoughts.


Hi Mike,

We just released a new update. We've added a feature to save the midi learn parameters with different filenames, hence you can for instance use more than one midi controller and save a different parameter map for each.

Also increased the number of auv3 automation parameters, now all parameters are published.


Thank you Ib,
I re-established all my Midi parameters and exported the Midi Mapping, I then deliberately removed a midi parameter to test out the Midi Mapping import, I tapped Import Midi Mapping, I selected the named file which then took me back into SM2, but my removed parameter was not replaced with the import. Have I followed the correct procedure with Export/Import?

I am very pleased to write that Parameter Automation in Cubasis 3 works perfectly on all parameters that I currently use, a big thank you for that.

As for the Midi Bank showing Empty Presets “fix” whenever a new bank was added or Restore Purchases was applied, well, I don’t know yet, I’m a bit apprehensive at the moment, if I was sure the “fix” worked then I would purchase new sound packs without worry of having to manually reload and rename ever bank, I will update this outcome when I finally try it :scared:
But for now SM2 just got a whole lot better and reliable just having fully working parameter automation.
Thanks for listening, :tu: :phones:
Best regards, Mike.

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