lock to chord tones

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Is there a way to have notes in phrases lock to chord tones instead of just scale tones?



It does by default, unless the notes in the phrase are marked "absolute". Such as imported midi. Easy way to tell, is, open the phrase inspector and on the actions tab, look for "convert to". Whatever it says, the phrase is the opposite already. Meaning, if it says "convert to relative", then they are absolute. Remember, absolute are fixed position in the midi, so, they will never transpose to the chord notes or scale notes positions. And yes, you can convert those to relative.. ;)


Thanks. Very helpful I'll explore that.


BluGenes gave a good answer.
Remember, notes have different qualities. They can represent a chord note, scale note, bass note, or an absolute MIDI note (0 to 127 or C-1 to G9).
If you have chord notes in the phrase, it will always lock to the master track chord. Scale notes lock to the scale, however you can use chord note+scale step offset for a single note so both chord and scale is considered when calculating the final note.

You can convert any phrase to chord-relative or scale-relative in the phrase inspector, or in the phrase editor.

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