Choosing the Right MacBook for Electronic Music Production

Configure and optimize you computer for Audio.


Hey fellow music producers and composers,

I hope you're all doing well and staying creative! I wanted to seek some advice and share my thoughts on choosing the right MacBook Pro for my music production and film composition needs. I'm upgrading from an i7 Mac Mini.

I've been producing electronic music for a while now, mainly using software synthesizers and relatively fewer samples in my projects. However, my music tends to be quite layered, and I often find myself working with more than 100 tracks in a single project. Additionally, I compose music for films, which can be demanding in terms of processing power and multitasking capabilities.

With Apple's new M1 and M2 MacBook Pro models on the market, I'm faced with a tough decision on which one to go for, or wait for M3, and I'd appreciate any insights or advice.

Here are my main considerations:

1. Processing Power and Cores:

The M2 is expected to be more powerful than the M1, but I'm not sure how many cores I really need. After M chips, this core amounts and everything related are a total mystery to me (:

2. RAM:

Since I primarily use software synths and work with many tracks, I'm leaning towards a higher RAM configuration. But how much RAM should I aim for? Is 16GB sufficient, or should I go for 32GB?

3. Portability vs. Performance:

Portability is important to me since I often work on the go, but I don't want to compromise on performance. Which MacBook Pro model strikes the right balance between power and portability?

4. Future-Proofing:

I want my new MacBook Pro to last for a few years without becoming outdated quickly. Will the M2 be significantly more future-proof than the M1?

5. Compatibility:

Are there any issues with music production software or plugins on the M1 or M2 that I should be aware of?

I'd really appreciate any insights, experiences, or recommendations from fellow producers and composers who have made the switch to the M1 or M2 MacBook Pros.

Thanks in advance for your help!!



Check out this video, it’s pretty helpful:


You don't think that a random 14" Macbook Pro will serve you fine? Just get the 12-core CPU if you want some reserve.

The M2 is only marginally more powerful, not worth sweating about.


I have a MacBook Pro with an M2 Pro and 16gb, 1tb of SSD.
I am doing eletronic music too with a lot of samples and some sample libraries (in particular a lot to the UVI stuffs).

I would advise for the M2 Pro, M2 Pro is 2 times faster than the M1 (non pro). It does matter.
If you have a super price for the M1 Pro, it is still worth it but on my side, I try to get every bit of power so M2 Pro it is.

In terms of memory, coming from a 32GB PC laptop, I was quite afraid to go to 16GB but considering the price difference, I still went for it. My memory usage is always around 12GB. Never reach 16GB and the day it will, the SSD handles it perfectly. I had a MacBook Air M1 with 8GB and memory wasn't even an issue then (because the SSD quicks in) so I would definitely go for 16GB again without hesitation.

M2 Pro is better than Max for music because you don't use GPU and thermal is better.

I chose the 14inch for portability and I don't regret it. 16inch certainly has even more battery but it was too big for me...
Question of choice.

Hope that helps.


Ustun wrote: Fri Sep 15, 2023 1:18 pm However, my music tends to be quite layered, and I often find myself working with more than 100 tracks in a single project. Additionally, I compose music for films, which can be demanding in terms of processing power and multitasking capabilities.
reading this, i would go for 32GB of RAM, if you can afford it.
I have 16GB of RAM. This will carry you allready a long way, though.
( my usecases are different, not DAW production works)

vs. M3:
a consideration could be to take a 2ndHand M1.*
for example with just 16GB or RAM / 1TB SSD,....and walk from there.
You will have less resale loss than with a 32GB Model i´d suspect,
and you will have the time to acommodate, and see what you really need to have.

You, coming from a i7 mini, it will take you in my opinion anyway so and so much time, until you´re completly into your new M1/M2.
I would guess you will start to deal differently with plugins, and probably taking different plugins.
Could take you easily 1 year in my opinion to get full into it.
Which could also mean that 16GB of RAM will nicely do for that transition time.

I would expect the M3s to come out in autoumn/ early winter next year.
Well, laptops maybe earlier. Probably as early as spring 2024.

Also, check how many connectors you need ? Connectivity IS a point with these macs.

* edit: i left out that the M1 has less cores. (plays no big role in my usecases)


Watch the YouTube, turns out depending on which daw you use it may end up being better with an M1 versus M2.


I just got an M2 MacBook Air. Honestly surprised there isn't a bigger difference in performance from my i9. Definitely get as many cores as you can because 4 performance cores doesn't cut it.

OTOH, the battery life is on a whole other level. Worth upgrading for that alone.


Uncle E wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:47 am I just got an M2 MacBook Air. Honestly surprised there isn't a bigger difference in performance from my i9. Definitely get as many cores as you can because 4 performance cores doesn't cut it.

OTOH, the battery life is on a whole other level. Worth upgrading for that alone.
In music production you probably won’t see much of a difference, however video editing should be a lot better, course I don’t know what you are using to compare your performance differences.


otwer22 wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:22 am Watch the YouTube, turns out depending on which daw you use it may end up being better with an M1 versus M2.
I think the video is a bit misleading. He makes it looks like he made a huge discovery that the M2 Pro exists with 10 and 12 cores but it is very well explained in the Apple website Configurator... And yes, clearly you should choose the M2 Pro with 12 cores. This way you have the best performance for music production (and better performance than the M1 Pro).
This 12 cores version also come with the 1TB SSD which I consider a good move for music...


In what way is the video misleading? Also I think you way over exaggerated what he says regarding the 12 core chips. The M2 is not twice as fast as an M1, and depending on the daw is slower due to the efficiency cores not being utilized .


otwer22 wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:05 pm In what way is the video misleading? Also I think you way over exaggerated what he says regarding the 12 core chips. The M2 is not twice as fast as an M1, and depending on the daw is slower due to the efficiency cores not being utilized .
The video is misleading because he is spending a very large part of it saying that the m2 pro is slower than the m1 Pro instead of saying that there is 2 versions of the pro, one with less performance cores.
Instead you have to wait 3/4 of the video to get the info. I understand it, it is to keep people watching. I am not blaming him, the video is well done, but the result is.... it is misleading.

I never said the m2 was twice as fast as the m1. I am talking about the m1 vs the m2 pro (and I insisted on it because I knew some people would still misread it, apparently you still did).

Edit: it is actually worst than that. I rewatched the video to check if I wasn't unfair.
I wasn't, on the contrary, the video is not misleading but VERY misleading. Most of the time you see benchmark graphs displaying m1 Pro vs m2 pro, with the m2 pro significantly slower. As a result somebody can buy the m1 Pro thinking or is the most performant... when it is absolutely not. The m2 pro sold with 1 tb ssd is indeed faster than the m1 Pro (even if not by a lot).
Last edited by Jac459 on Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Why would you want to compare m1 to m2 pro it’s apples 🍏 to orange 🍊?

Anyway the op has plenty of information to be able to make a choice.


otwer22 wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:26 pm Why would you want to compare m1 to m2 pro it’s apples 🍏 to orange 🍊?


1. Processing and cores - Look for the most performance cores you can afford. Regard other cores as a bonus. Any of the graphics options are fine for audio use. Don't pay for extra GFX cores you won't use.

2. RAM - Unless simple use (mostly recording audio, minimal plugins) 16GB should be considered the DAW minimum. It's said Apple may up the minimum RAM config to 12GB with their next generation of machines, and I wouldn't doubt this. If you're getting into double digit instances of larger sample libraries that's the point where 32GB and beyond might benefit, but you'll need to check your own usage to answer this best. Higher bandwidth (Pro 200GB bandwidth, Max 400, Ultra 800) also appears to see some small benefits with programs like Kontakt.

3. Performance Vs Portability - Mostly a non-issue. Consider battery size, screen size and brightness, and don't have things you won't use (extra cores). Otherwise they're all pretty good.

4. Lifespan.. I can't see any reason M2 will be more future proof than M1 as very little changed. But you never know with Apple. They tend to give about 7 years of support from a CPU generations launch. I'd consider M1 & M2 as the same generation, with M2 being (roughly) 10% faster. If it's a choice between them, and you can get M1 significantly cheaper, I would go that route. If the price is within 15% then go with the M2.

5. Issues? It's likely most of what you use is working well natively at this point. Obviously look before you leap (EG Steinberg killed support for some of their control surfaces on Apple Silicon).

Some M3 laptops - meaning the Air and the base Macbook Pro, might launch at an October event. These are likely to see an extra year or two of support from Apple Vs M1 and M2. Based on A17 (iPhone 15 Pro/Max) reports M3 is likely to be around 10% faster than M2.

The bigger difference is the smaller manufacturing size will allow for more cores, and it's said there will be anything up to a 12 performance core M3 Max. Given the faster speeds (Vs M1) this means you may see M3 laptops with performance close to an M1 Ultra. But these higher end configs are unlikely to come until well into 2024 (which doesn't do you much good now.. ) A switch to a 12GB base config might also change the RAM upgrade increments too.. IE 12,24,48GB etc.

If you're fine with one of the base Air/Macbook Pro machines then you might consider waiting to see if there is an M3 event in October. New iMac's are expected then too.


get the fastest computer you can afford.

i got a 16' macbook pro M1 Max when they were announced in 2021. 1tb drive. it's great. best computer i've owned. only regret is not getting a bigger HD.. 2TB would be better for me.

if i was buying today i'd get the full loaded M2 w/a 2TB drive. fvck it

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