What will be the 13th version?

Discussion about: tracktion.com


Hello everyone!
For some time now, I've been catching myself thinking that I'm very interested in what kind of Tracktion Waveform 13 will be. Will the bugs be fixed, will they cope with the PDC, what will be new, except for clips and a new palette. Why FigBug decided to be active on the forum. And judging by the silence here on the forum, everyone is waiting, too. And this expectation has already kind of dragged on. And even Ableton announced the release of a new version on March 5th. But, I am not eager to hear something from the developers, their assurances, promises. For me, let the developers perfect the code, the operation of the program, and the stable operation of the program for another six months or a year. But, as I said, I wonder what it will result in. I still believe in the good, in the best.
Interesting. Am I ready to wait? Yes!
But, I'm not ready to participate in experiments anymore, as with version 12.


It'll be one more than 12.

We are in the final stretches, should be ready soon.


There will be no service version 12.5.x with the bugfixes for 12.5 ?
(Waveform PRO 13, Linux)


Someone from Tracktion needs to really come forward and answer this question because the lack of bug fixes is annoying for a lot of users. No one coming forward and actually giving a *straight* answer is just giving off the impression they don't care or can't be bothered which isn't a good sign.


New bug: sometimes Midi clip won't render to Audio (Kontakt 7) if the clip a bit out of grid (micro shift). How to fix: move Midi clip to the nearest beat of the grid. And it will be nice rendered Audio instead of empty Audio. Weird bug! And yes, a ton of bugs is a reason to leave Waveform. In other cases, it's pretty solid DAW.


I agree, it is a valid reason to leave bur hopefully someone from tracktion will actually respond about why it takes so long to fix bugs or why there policy is the way it is. There have been bugs like the eq bug in the eight band equaliser there for over six months yet no one seems to care.


rickpress wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:55 am I agree, it is a valid reason to leave bur hopefully someone from tracktion will actually respond about why it takes so long to fix bugs or why there policy is the way it is. There have been bugs like the eq bug in the eight band equaliser there for over six months yet no one seems to care.
I'll take another look at the EQ bug. I had rewritten the EQ 1/3/8 to all use state variable filters which should be stable, even under heavy modulation. Not really sure what's going wrong, I'll keep digging into it.

We are just a small team, it's just Dave and sometimes me. Jules pokes his head in every once and a while.


FigBug wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2024 11:00 pm We are just a small team, it's just Dave and sometimes me. Jules pokes his head in every once and a while.
Ohoho. I will speak only for myself. I criticize, I swear a couple of times, but my great wish is that Waveform would be a stable program! Work on version 13 as much as you need, but for the program to be stable! remove the bugs with the drum sampler, with the equalizer, with modulators, achieve stability with a large number of tracks (I'm silent about the pdc). Please.


nowgad wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2024 11:58 pm Ohoho. I will speak only for myself. I criticize, I swear a couple of times, but my great wish is that Waveform would be a stable program! Work on version 13 as much as you need, but for the program to be stable! remove the bugs with the drum sampler, with the equalizer, with modulators, achieve stability with a large number of tracks (I'm silent about the pdc). Thanks!
Drum sampler: Are you referring to the samples not reloading when using M808 and M909 presets? I've fixed that.

Modulators: Are you talking about the sometimes disappearing when you add a new one? I've fixed that. Work around don't assign modulators cross tracks.

EQ: I'll bump that one up my priority list. Anybody have fool proof steps to reproduce? I have a video from a guy on the Facebook group, our beta testers have complained, but when I ask for steps to reproduce the problem has gone away.


FigBug wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:12 am Drum sampler: Are you referring to the samples not reloading when using M808 and M909 presets? I've fixed that.
Yes. For beginners, this is one of the main problems that forms an opinion about the program as a whole.
FigBug wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:12 am Modulators: Are you talking about the sometimes disappearing when you add a new one? I've fixed that. Work around don't assign modulators cross tracks.
this workaround is bad. cross-assignment is one of the best features of the envelope follower application. It is a pity that this cannot be fixed.
FigBug wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:12 am EQ: I'll bump that one up my priority list. Anybody have fool proof steps to reproduce? I have a video from a guy on the Facebook group, our beta testers have complained, but when I ask for steps to reproduce the problem has gone away.
I had a problem with the equalizer, not always, but I did. since I use other equalizers, this problem does not particularly bother me, but in general it should not cause problems to anyone. but, it should work flawlessly.

if this is "fixed", is it worth waiting for the update of version 12?


I just did a lot quick retest of the EQ.i haven't touched it since the bug started and had to remove it from all projects, but I'm just inserted an instance, set band 1 to high pass, increased the q value and moved it around the sub region (with no output to anything you value!). Still blows up Voxengo Span, full spectrum , even crashed the EQ itself this time.


[quote=FigBug post_id=8861280 time=1709424724 user_id=67149]
(...) I've fixed that.
(...) I've fixed that.

I don't doubt that you when on board, and Dave all the time, are working hard on improvements.
The point is, we don't see the fixes. They haven't been published.

I commented on it in another thread: I became a DAW user in autumn, and picked Waveform for various good reasons. Within the first two hours of testing it, the EQ problem let me wonder if it would be worth it to spend time for testing on. I really was about to skip any further testing. For testing some DAWs, I was simply loading a WAV file to each candidate DAW, tested how to mark a region, and how to set it as a loop for repeated playback and saving this. Opening the DAW again I watched out if the marked region for the loop was still set, and if maybe even the last playheader position was remembered. Any product not fulfilling this was right away out. Now, having assured that Waveform would allow me to continue editing where I left this job the day before, I tested to use plugins for editing. I loaded the 8EQ, and the Spectrum view, and played around with the EQ to see how it performs for me. The Spectrum view was disappointing and the 8EQ was unusable after having by chance moved a freqeuncy selecter below 20 Hz and let my ears explode. Besides, audio playback after some random time got completely messed up with gigantic amount of crackle, more crackle than audio. I found out about your sound engine reset but this couldn't fix it. Waveform needed to be restarted. I maybe could replace the EQ and Spectrum view with third-party plugins? I couldn't get LV2 to work at all and some (most) in the internet recommended VST3 crashed the DAW.
How would you decide about your candidate DAW? Would you choose Waveform among the contenders if these most basic tests failed right in the first two hours playing around with this DAW??

I really don't understand how Tracktion more than half a year later after the EQ bug has been reported (I found this information about the bug having been reported here in the forum and then didn't report it myself again) still distributes the buggy WF12.5.11 version for testing to the potential future customers, knowing that it will scare them away. Isn't this a bussiness nightmare? Repair the EQ, or meanwhile simply replace it with your #T-EQ if you cannot find out how to fix the slightly more basic 8EQ, then by default turn off the buggy plugin sandboxing feature, and you would have reached out fine to the public until more fixes could be implemented. When having fixed more bugs then right away present your better product to the public. Seriously, there is a reason why others are publishing software updates frequently.

Please, all of us who bother to be active on the forum are here because we see that Waveform has the potential to be our superstar DAW. We meanwhile help each other to keep also the good spirit alive. And my impression is that solid bug fixes at the base of the product is all which is missing to make Waveform a superstar.

You have fixed a bug? For whom if you are not distributing the fix?
(Waveform PRO 13, Linux)


Some of these I just fixed in the last week or two, and will be in 13

The EQ update to use State Variable Filters however I'm surprised to see was never pushed out. I'll inquire as to why Monday and try and get that out asap.


FigBug wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:41 pm Some of these I just fixed in the last week or two, and will be in 13
you're talking about corrections. but! they will be in version 13. these fixes, for the most part, relate to the free version. how are things going with the paid version and the features of the paid version? I don't want to upgrade to version 13 without confirming bug fixes in version 12. I'm not worried about the 90-day trial. I need other functions already built in, but they don't work and the workarounds are bad. you say that you are an engaged employee, but at the same time you speak on behalf of the company, the developers. there is some ambiguity, and if something goes wrong, you can say: "I hoped everything would be fine. Sorry it didn't work out, we overestimated our strength." we all know how to play with words. I'll ask you a second time: which daw do you use? maybe version 13 should not be released? thus, you will save energy, time, and mood of people who once believed in Tracktion Waveform. I'm glad, actually, that there is some kind of dialogue. But, it's more like a PR campaign before the launch of version 13.
I'll add. Version 13 talks about the clip matrix, but at the same time it is impossible to fix the cross modulation bug. What to expect with bugs in version 13?)


12.5.14 is up in public beta here: https://marketplace.tracktion.com/downl ... chive?v=12

Can you try it and let me know if EQ issues are resolved for you

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