There seems to be a trend recently of people charging...

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money for horrible looking synths made with synth edit

c'mon people who the f*ck is going to buy something like Syntheway Zephyrus v1.0?

it looks horrible

too many people trying to make a fast buck these days


EDIT: i'm kind of aiming this at lots of other 'developers' not just these guys, they were top of the news section


I'd never want an ugly synth, even if it sounds fabulous! It is looks that count. ;-)
The more I hang around at KVR the less music I make.


retropublik wrote:money for horrible looking synths made with synth edit

c'mon people who the f*ck is going to buy something like Syntheway Zephyrus v1.0?
Looks like a crap version of Crystal, synthesis wise anyway, and only 32 presets? Thats a joke.....


I'll get flamed of course, but I really don't give a sh1t......there are exceptionally few Synthedit synths I'd pay any money for (ugly or not). Although e-phonic made some nice Synthedit stuff admittedly.


you really dont have to buy them you know. I personally would reather purchase the babya ultra superprotools RTAS DXi master limiter tho mesself


Evol (free) and xoxos Steam (very low price) are 2 I can think of that are worth paying for. As long as sounds good, doesnt blow CPU and the interface is easy to navigate and readable etc it doesnt have to be pretty.
Wear beer goggles if you must.


agreed - there's a ton of synthedit stuff that's just not worth buying. bundle it all together and i might contemplate it (like pluggo or something like that).


there is a really cool way to deal with it,
and it's not rocket science.

ignore it.

dealt with.


deggy wrote:agreed - there's a ton of synthedit stuff that's just not worth buying. bundle it all together and i might contemplate it (like pluggo or something like that).
Such as ?


Drumatic 3 could be a commerical product I reckon.


I don't think the problem is SynthEdit itself, more the fact that most people are developing very similar synths. The world doesn't need a billion and one subtractive synths with the same signal path and architecture.

If I was designing a subtractive I'd ask myself what can I change, add or move around in the standard va synth architecture so that it makes it sound different?

Coz if you can't make it sound a bit different then what's the point of the product??


AGounaro wrote:I don't think the problem is SynthEdit itself, more the fact that most people are developing very similar synths. The world doesn't need a billion and one subtractive synths with the same signal path and architecture.

If I was designing a subtractive I'd ask myself what can I change, add or move around in the standard va synth architecture so that it makes it sound different?

Coz if you can't make it sound a bit different then what's the point of the product??
fair enough, synths such as EVOL have such a wonderfully different sound/filters as to stand out.

(Though I still wouldn't buy it unless the gui were developed :oops: )
..what goes around comes around..


AGounaro wrote:I don't think the problem is SynthEdit itself, more the fact that most people are developing very similar synths. The world doesn't need a billion and one subtractive synths with the same signal path and architecture.
On the contrary, I think the problem is with synthedit synths. That is, most people seem to have a clear bias against synthedit-made products and equate synthedit synths as being tacky and cheap. I personally believe that this is mostly unjustified. For example, the freeware synth Superwave, which would walk over most commercial synths for sound.


lion_cub wrote:
AGounaro wrote:I don't think the problem is SynthEdit itself, more the fact that most people are developing very similar synths. The world doesn't need a billion and one subtractive synths with the same signal path and architecture.
On the contrary, I think the problem is with synthedit synths. That is, most people seem to have a clear bias against synthedit-made products and equate synthedit synths as being tacky and cheap. I personally believe that this is mostly unjustified. For example, the freeware synth Superwave, which would walk over most commercial synths for sound.
I don't know if that's such a good example as people here are largely displeased with the company's poor support and the bugginess of the plug. I would agree with your point, however and submit Oberon or EVOL or Pterasaur as fine examples of synthedit (free) creations that area as good as many pay-for synths at what they do.
..what goes around comes around..


For me one of the problems with many commercial Synthedit creations (and indeed many other non-Synthedit synths) is a shortage of good presets for them. I'm much more likely to consider buying a synth if it had 256 excellent presets - not only could one use / tweak them, but a good set of presets prooves a synth's capability for me to put some effort in creating patches myself.

Oh, and the GUI is important too - it can take hours to design a good patch, and I need something easy on the eye.

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