Atmosphere - saving presets

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion


Recently bought this so apologies if this is a stupid question but it's not adequately covered by the manual.

Atmosphere has no built in way of saving or even naming presets - it seems so you have to use the host and save an fxp (or fxb??). However when you do this (at least in Minihost and EnergyXT which I've tried so far) and reload it the patch loads correctly (soundwise) but doesn't seem to reload the right patch names in the patch window and layer windows - they stay where they are basically. Am I doing something wrong or is this a problem with Atmosphere itself? (or do I need to use a different host?)
Last edited by aMUSEd on Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.




:help: :help:


Athmosphere? Never heard of it. Now I have heard of Atmosphere though.... :hihi:

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DevonB wrote:Athmosphere? Never heard of it. Now I have heard of Atmosphere though.... :hihi:

That too :)



:help: :help: :help:


What host are you using?


Minihost and EnergyXT - might try Tracktion and see if it's different


Make sure you save as an fxp. The saved patch name will not show up in the patch selection window, unfortunately.


Just as I'm finding. So it's a bug then.


More the lack of a feature than a bug, but annoying nonetheless.


Tested in Tracktion now. The patch loads correctly - names and all! :party:

So host patch handling might be a factor after all.


After further testing in Tracktion, Energy XT (latest build) and Minihost I have to say this is definately broken - it's not just a lacking feature. I'm finding that patches save best in Tracktion but even then they don't always load correctly - the patchname in the first layer loads properly but the name in the second layer seems to alternate between a couple of different names for some reason. This seems worst in presets I saved in a different app so clearly there are some inconsistencies in the way hosts are writing to the fxp format. In Energy XT sometimes a patch will load with names but sometimes it will leave out the name for the bottom layer. In Minihost it just doesn't save the names with the patch. What a pain - so much for having "a milion" potential combinations if I can't save the ones I come up with consistently - it basically limits Atmosphere to being a preset player, not a synth in it's own right. It's also a pain that it's very hard to recreate a patch once I've lost the "recipe" as even if I write it down it's hard to find the preset I made it from as there's no easy way to search for presets- you have to go through them all.

I love the sound of this synth but as I like to make my own patches this is rather frustrating bug and I hope someone from Spectrasonic's will see this thread and look into a fix for this (since they don't have a forum)


It works fine in both Cubase and Tracktion for me--no names appear in patch seletion window on the Atmo faceplate itself, but the saved patch loads fine. They do save differently in different applications, however.


User patches are host-based in Atmosphere, so they should save and load correctly in each host....but not-necessarily cross-host and the hosts likely save things differently.

So which hosts aren't saving and loading properly and which hosts are saving and loading properly?


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