Nice Review 'nonono'!

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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Although it probably was of no use to me beyond telling me what I guessed would be the case I found 'nonono's' review of the UltraFocus both interesting and honest.

We are forever being bombarded by these ever increasingly mammoth sized programs with hefty price tags that are beyond being demoed in any real sense due to their large content.

I have also purchases large sample based libraries that are 'bolted' on to a front end player and have had a similar experience - you are offered up multi gig libraries of content that you are told are cutting edge - only to realise that far from being this in depth one stop resource are actually a BIG let down.

This isn't always the case mind and a program like WusikStation has to be the best value by a mile for anyone interested or in the market for a 'TRUE' multi faceted program that offers up the goods in a usable format with aplomb - and at a hugely cheaper price than it's competitors, as well.

It is rare to find anyone prepared to say 'I just spent £250 and feel it was a waste' - the normal response is for the purchaser to convince themself that what they have is actually good.

I was recently speaking to some people I came across on a BB who (unfortunately use warez) and a particularly well respected piece of software that many people here blow the trumpet for was actually laughed out as being pretty naff - it competes with programmes like Wusikstation but is 3 times (at least) the price has less diverse content and like so many other 'Romplers' is in a 'closed' system that you can not add your own material to or have third parties provide expansions for - my point here is how users might be more forgiving of a product due to the fact that they just shelled out £300 on a product that they either can't sell or would loose 50% of their money by selling it - thats another thread, I could waffle on about my feelings around sample licencing and the narrow attitude some developers have around this issue but it's generally wasted as their is staunch support for them from many 'hobbyist's' that are quite happy to be manipulated by 'their' apparently sophisticated rebukes.

I hope that developers look very hard at the interface and usability of there future 'MEGA' libraries in lieu of the fact that the user really wants to be able to mix and match sounds, have easy browsing of such vast libraries and have 'FUN' at the same time.


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