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Caribou Filter
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Operating System Availability
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System Requirements
Multicore CPU, 64-bit operating system (min. Windows 7), 8 GB RAM, 500MB HDD, 1024x768 screen resolution, VST2 64-bit compatible audio host. AAX 64-bit operating system and DAW (PT 11 or higher).
System Requirements
Dual Core CPU, 64-bit operating system (min. OS X 10.9 - Mavericks), 8 GB RAM, 500MB HDD, 1024x768 screen resolution, VST/AU 64-bit compatible audio host. AAX 64-bit operating system and DAW (PT 11 or higher).
License & Installation Method
Voucher / Code for redemption on other website
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Caribou Filter

2 band filters based on a rare vintage module.

Prime Studio has been using unique and rare vintage analog hardware for years that has improved every of their productions. That's why it was only logical for them to provide you with these tools in the digital realms.

In order to offer you the highest possible quality, Prime Studio has teamed up with the leading plug-in developer Acustica Audio. The result is a digital variety of highly sought-after vintage analog devices that have shaped the studio's music history and its premium sound for decades, including Neve and MCI.

Prime Studio Caribou Filter is a two-band tool based on a rare vintage analog filter. In addition to the filter function, you can also use preamp harmonics as sound coloring.

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