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TAF Supercab IR Library created by capturing a 3x12 Tweed Fender* Vibrolux with JensonPQ speakers.
TAF jenz-P - Supercab IR Library
TAF jenz-P is the Supercab IR Library created by Andy from TheAmpFactory in his Orangetreestudios HQ, capturing a 3x12 Tweed Fender* Vibrolux with JensonPQ speakers.
The Sound of Clapton in a nutshell, One of his favorite recording amps due to the low impedance of the driver, pushing it to new limits that gave a crispy sound to the recording, Our capture shows this too, perfect for that lower/upper harmonics or edge of breakup sound, This particular speaker was part of his private collection, and we were Honored to have used & abused it.
Andy (TheAmpFactory)
Made For The Supercabinet
The library is created for the TH-U SuperCabinet, which allows to:
Discover The Entire Collection
The SuperCabinet offers a wide collection of IR libraries designed by The Cab Factory.
Any single library in the collection is created after an extensive sampling and editing work, seeking the perfection in every capturing step.
The IRs have been captured using the following 14 microphones:
Every microphone has been moved to 4 different horizontal position (Cap, Cap Edge, Cone and Cone Edge) and two distances, for a total of 8 IRs each.
All IRs in the library are phase aligned, so they can be blended with no phase cancellations.
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{See video at top of page}
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