echo | collective has released The Free Collection for Kontakt 5, a suite of 4 Soundminer metadata tagged sound effects libraries, each with a Kontakt instrument.
Camera: a Kontakt instrument and a series of samples that come from some custom recordings of the venerable Canon 7D. It is useful for both creating clean, straight camera sounds and as elements for clicky UI type designs. There are also some cool designed shutter snaps that are bigger and more stylized than the flat, clean ones.
Shrieking Dulcimer: an instrument based on the bows, scratches and dissonant impacts of an old dulcimer recorded by Evan Arnett and Justin Shelton. It does similar horror and creepy type musical things.
Malfunktion: a series of recordings from various software synths that echo | collective use to create fun glitches as well as UI beeps and clicks. It's another toolkit of strange sounds that are useful in adding spice to interface sound design. The Kontakt instrument adds a layer of randomness that a user can create interesting movements with by playing the same groups of keys repeatedly.
Micro Magnetic comes from a pair of magnets that are shaped like eggs and sound like rattlesnakes as the magnetic pull causes them to collide faster and faster. They are designed to make a super cool texture for electronic music and other rhythmic compositions.
Price: Free.
Available here: