Kotkas has announced that version 2.0 of their freeware VST sampler Paax will be released soon.
Some of the new key features are:
- Totally re-designed GUI.
- 128 notes of polyphony.
- Up to 4 VST outputs with individual controls for volume and pan.
- Enhanced envelopes with delay, attack, hold, decay, sustain and release phases.
- Optional delay control previous to the start of any LFO.
- Up to 8 velocity zones per split (layering and cross fading are now possible).
- 2 samples per velocity-zone (up to 16 layered samples per note).
- New advanced panel with dozens of controls for tweaking individual split-velocity-sample parameters (envelopes, LFOs, loop point offsets, effect sends, etc.).
- New Micro-Granular real-time pitch-shifting option.
- Enhanced effects rack with 2 new stereo effect units: chorus & delay (plus the previous reverb unit).
- New enhanced bank format.
- Capable of importing SoundFonts (.sf2) and AKAI S5000/6000 programs (.akp).