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AFX (Acoustics Frequency Xperience)

Drum Machine Plugin by beatassist.eu
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AFX (Acoustics Frequency Xperience)
AFX (Acoustics Frequency Xperience) by beatassist.eu is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin for Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin and a VST 3 Plugin.
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AFX is a drum machine that works with .sf2 files.

We got some acoustic samples and we have transform them in the digital world in order to create unique sounds for you to include in your productions.

The Drum Machine has 8 slots that load the soundbanks we provide:

  • bassdrums.
  • clsHats.
  • cymbals.
  • digital snares.
  • opHats.
  • snares.
  • toms.

Each of these slots also has a distortion station and a state variable filter.

Made with SynthEdit

Latest User Reviews

Average user rating of 4.00 from 1 review
AFX (Acoustics Frequency Xperience)

Reviewed By rahnrasen [all]
January 29th, 2020
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows

die dll dateien sind etwas tiefer in der ordner strucktur. die mit dem download kommt, versteckt, aber durchaus finbar. das plugin klingt gut, und mann hat genug möglichkeiten die sounds zu personalisieren. einfach in die entsprechen slots die jeweilige sfz bank laden, dann kann mann pro slot, also z.b. bd oder snare usw durch die verschiedenen samples zappen, und diese mit den filtern. pitch, etc seinem persönlichem geschmack anpassen. hat man ein drumkit erstellt, unbedingt abspeichern als bank ...damit die arbeit nicht umsonst war. und hier kommt auch ein kritik punkt : keine drummkit presets mitgeliefert, mann muss also erstmal selber ran. und leider ist auch das interface etwas klein geraten, was meine betagten augen nicht erfreut, also ein skalierbares interface wäre echt ne bereicherung, aber ansonsten ein sehr brauchbarer klopfgeist !.

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Comments & Discussion for beatassist.eu AFX (Acoustics Frequency Xperience)

Discussion: Active


27 January 2020 at 10:19pm

There are no installers or .dll inside the folder????

28 January 2020 at 11:43am

Fixed now :) ...i mistake...upladed an empty folder... sorry! Please download again! Thanks.

3 February 2020 at 9:44pm

English Translation of comments by rahnrasen:

the dll files are a little deeper in the folder structure. that comes with the download, hidden, but quite findable. the plugin sounds good, and you have enough options to personalize the sounds. simply load the respective sfz bank into the corresponding slots, then you can per slot, e.g. zd bd or snare etc. through the different samples, and these with the filters. pitch, etc to suit your personal taste. you have created a drum kit, be sure to save it as a bank ... so that the work was not in vain. and here comes a criticism: no drum kit presets included, so you have to get started yourself. and unfortunately the interface is also a bit small, which my old eyes do not please, so a scalable interface would be really enriching, but otherwise a very useful knocking spirit.

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